MOTU Application

John Dong jdong at
Fri Nov 16 07:05:53 GMT 2007

Dear MOTU Council,

Please consider my application to become MOTU.

I've been a Ubuntu user and involved with the management of UbuntuForums
since Warty's release, and have continued to dedicate myself to the
bettering of Ubuntu.

I started looking into the mechanics of packaging towards the end of
that release cycle as I started Backports as an unofficial hobby. Since
then, Backports has integrated with Ubuntu and I continue to head the
Backports project.

My MOTU work initially started as fixing trivial bugs found during the
process of backporting but grew from there to encompass more activities.
During the Feisty release cycle I worked on introducing a new upstream
release of x264 in coordination with MOTU Media and oversaw all of the
reverse dependencies that needed patching and rebuilding. I'm also an
administrator of the MOTU-P2P team and have been helping with new
versions and backports of KTorrent for several release cycles. Recently,
I've fixed the packaging of Azureus so that it finally works after all
these years :).

On a technical basis, I feel I have a solid grasp of our packaging
technologies, policies, and processes, as long as various technical
aspects of Ubuntu. I've been hanging around and participating in
#ubuntu-motu and #ubuntu-devel for several years and have deeply
benefited from the vast knowledge of our developer community. Just as
importantly, I feel I have a strong sense of when I lack experience with
something or don't feel I've done something right, and I won't hesitate
to ask and make sure. I think I've had a good track record of not
breaking stuff or doing stupid things :)

On a community basis, I think I get along and work really well with our
community and possess the communication skills of a good MOTU. I hope
those whom I've had the honor to work with feel the same way. As I said
before, I don't hesitate to ask and I definitely won't upload anything
I'm not 100% confident about.

After becoming MOTU, I will continue to work heavily on the MOTU-P2P
project and enhancing our collection of peer-to-peer tools, and also
wish to continue with enhancing our multimedia/codec stack too. I also
will continue chasing after and fixing those pesky bugs that tend to be
ignored for shinier work :)

Over the time I've worked with many people and I've CC'ed a few that I
feel would have the most first-hand experience with me:

* Scott Kitterman
* Andrea Veri 
* William Grant
* Emmet Hikory

Again, thanks for your time and all you do for Ubuntu -- it would be an
honor to be a part of such a great team. If any more information is
required from me, don't hesitate to ask!

-John Dong
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