MOTU Application for Scott Kitterman
Scott Kitterman
scott at
Wed May 16 14:52:56 BST 2007
Dear MOTU Council,
Those that are cc'ed have agreed to speak as sponsors of my work. I've worked
with different MOTUs on different things, so I don't have just one or two
people who've seen most of my work.
I'd like to be a MOTU and believe that I am ready. In my case, I think ready
means I know enough to be trusted to do some things on my own and to ask if
I'm unsure. IMO becoming a MOTU is a starting point, not an end.
In addition to the packaging work I've done directly, I've also been helping
others who know less than I do on #ubuntu-motu. I believe that growing the
community is a critical responsibility for all of us. Actually being able to
upload stuff would enable me to be more effective in this role.
I've tended to focus on bug fixing in Python packages because I know Python.
Doko asked my to join his Pythoneers and Pythonistas teams so I get and read
all bugmail for Python packages in Ubuntu. I am also a member of the Debian
Python Modules Team, so I've also been able to fix some stuff in Debian.
Investing time with Debian to keep the diff between Debian and Ubuntu down
has been a priority for me.
Packaging work:
New packages:
pypolicyd-spf and pyyaml are new packages I did from scratch. I've also
gotten these packages into Debian (after learning first with MOTU) and now
maintain them in Debian.
I also brought libnet-dns-resolver-programmable-perl,
postfix-policyd-spf-perl, and mail-spf-perl, but I had outside help on those.
Focus Packages:
pyspf is not a new package, but I've modernized it enough that most of the
existing package is mine. I've also gotten these changes back into Debian.
I did some significant work on python-dns and recently took over as it's
maintainer in Debian.
I did multiple fixes for libspf2 and worked with the new Debian maintainer of
the package to get them incorporated there.
I've done multiple merges of clamav. The clamav 0.90.2-0ubuntu1 upstream
update a week before the Feisty release is probably my proudest packaging
moment. I've also gotten the discussion started on how we can do a better
job of maintaining this security related package in the older releases. I've
also fixed some packaging related bugs in clamav.
I've also done multiple merges of courier as well as significantly improving
it's init scripts.
I've taken an interest in spamassassin and did the latest update from upstream
since it now uses the mail-spf-perl library I packaged. I also sent patches
to Debian for this to save them duplicating the effort.
I consider myself the primary contact for clamsmtp and have done some work on
the init scripts.
Other packaging work:
Details are, of course, here:
I've done a dozen or so merges for Feisty and Gutsy. I'm currently wrestling
with understanding how the Debian init changes in the latest clamav interact
with the Ubuntu init diff we've been carrying. I've also gone through and
triaged the bugs filed for each package.
I've packaged security fixes (and when I do it, I do it all the way back to
Dapper). I got my first main upload recently doing a security fix for pptpd.
For Gutsy I've committed to Kubuntu to get Kmail S/MIME signing and decrypting
by default working. I expect this will involve both packaging changes and
main inclusion requests.
Thank you for your consideration,
Scott K
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