MOTU Application
Barry deFreese
bddebian at
Mon May 14 03:17:11 BST 2007
Emmet Hikory wrote:
> MOTU Council Members,
> Please consider my application to become a Master of the Universe.
> Experience with MOTU activity:
> Breezy: Prepared a few patches (not debdiffs) applied by ajmitch,
> bddebian
> Dapper: 44 packages accepted into the archive (mostly bddebian)
> Edgy: 1 package accepted into the archive, applied by bddebian
> Feisty: 40 packages accepted into the archve (various sponsors)
> Gutsy:22 packages accepted into the archive (various sponsors)
> Details are available from
> During portions of the Dapper, Feisty, and Gutsy cycles, I was an
> active participant on #ubuntu-motu, and provided help and guidance to
> channel participants.
> I consider myself the primary Ubuntu maintainer of the following
> packages:
> libjsw
> teg
> torcs
> vegastrike
> (soon: freqtweak)
> MOTU Tasks in which I have been involved:
> libjack0.80.0 -> libjack0.100.0 transition.
> OpenAL -> OpenAL + ALUT transition
> .desktop files & icons for Universe
> libflac++5c2 -> libflac++ transition
> dh_iconcache
> merges
> sync requests
> removal requests
> unmetdeps
> Uploads of which I am most proud include:
> docbook 4.5-2ubuntu1
> wxwidgets2.8
> torcs 1.2.4-2ubuntu1
> libjsw 1:1.5.6-0ubuntu1
> slashem 0.0.7E7F2-3ubuntu1
> vegastrike 0.4.3-4ubuntu3
> torcs 1.2.4-1ubuntu7
> openal 1:0.0.8-1ubuntu1
> Sponsors:
> I have never had a direct sponsor. The cc: list includes those
> with whom I have worked with the most, and who have provided
> significant direct guidance on my work. I was first encouraged to
> become a MOTU in September 2005 by Barry deFreese, finally convinced
> to start the application process by Sarah Hobbs in April 2007, and
> notified that I did not first need to become an Ubuntu member by
> Daniel Chen today.
> Reason for application:
> As the processes tighten, Ubuntu matures, and the number of users
> (and bugs) grow, it becomes increasingly difficult for the MOTUs to
> actively track non-MOTU participants and manage uploads effectively.
> Separately, I am now very interested in using PPAs as a resource for
> pre-testing of some applications prior to upload.
> Ubuntu Membership:
> I am not yet an Ubuntu member, but my application will be heard at
> the 15th May 2007 Community Council Meeting. Please see
> for an overview of all Ubuntu
> activities.
> With interest in your response,
That'd be a +10 from me!
Barry deFreese (aka bddebian)
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