MOTU application

Gauvain Pocentek gauvainpocentek at
Thu Mar 22 09:43:56 GMT 2007

+1 from me based on:

 - packaging qualities (both in ubuntu and medibuntu)
 - debian/ubuntu contributions so far
 - excellent overview of what happens in the MOTU world
 - volunteering for review/sponsor


Lionel Le Folgoc a écrit :
> Hello,
> I would like to apply for MOTU. Here are the reasons:
> I have been working on several activities in Ubuntu universe, such as
> syncs, merges, bugfixes, UVF exception requests and SRU proposals, which
> (I think) gave me a good overview (and knowledge) of many MOTU processes.
> I have also been working on new packages[3], and I am currently working
> with Steffen Joeris to maintain them in Debian[4]. Most of my uploads
> were done by Gauvain Pocentek, Jeremie Corbier and Adrien Cunin (who are
> supporting my application). Therefore I'd like to offload my sponsors by
> managing myself that stuff.
> Moreover, I'm interested in getting more people involved, by reviewing
> and sponsoring their packages. I am already used to mentoring, as I have
> helped several enthusiasts French packagers (by answering to their
> questions on the #ubuntu-fr-classroom irc chan).
> And I am also working on third-party projects, such as Medibuntu[5].
> My plans as MOTU: I will keep doing general motu stuff, trying to
> improve collaboration with Debian (I would like to to get some return on
> investment to my Debian sponsor, for example by contributing to the
> Utnubu project), QA, help/sponsor/revu MOTU hopefuls/enthusiasts.
> More info:
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]
> Regards,
> Lionel

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