My official MOTU application

Scott Ritchie scott at
Tue Jun 26 17:42:20 BST 2007

Hello everyone,

My name is Scott Ritchie, and I would like to, finally, be an official
Master of the Universe. The idea of being an MOTU was initially floated
to me around the time the MOTU program itself started, I believe in the
days of Hoary.  Since then, and to this day, I have been maintaining up
to date Wine packages and putting them at my own upstream repository:

Until recently, these packages have been merged in to Ubuntu universe
largely unchanged by Stephan Hermann.  Since my interest was primarily
Wine, and his sponsorship combined with the upstream repository seemed
to satisfy the needs of our users well enough, I didn't make any
additional effort to become an "official" MOTU.  Only recently have I
become an Ubuntu member.

Recently, however, Stephan Hermann has resigned from the project.
Having just graduated college, I meanwhile have found both the time and
the desire to improve Ubuntu more fully.  I no longer want to merely
maintain my own package and instead also want to fix bugs and contribute
additional packages (eg wine-doors) - hence, here I am, applying for
official MOTU rather than asking for a new sponsor.

You can check out my wiki page here:

I admit my application is rather brief, and I only have one sponsor -
and technically we never even called the arrangement sponsorship.
Still, I figured the best approach was to get an application in, and if
more evidence of my ability was needed I could then find additional

Scott Ritchie

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