Decision: MOTU Future of Marco Rodrigues

Daniel Holbach daniel.holbach at
Fri Dec 21 17:55:04 GMT 2007

The vote on the options presented in
is as follows:

Point 1: Feedback about MOTU fitness of Marco Rodrigues: Michael and
Daniel both pointed out that Marco will have to put some more work into
raising the quality of his patches and calm down to re-gain trust of his

Point 2: Marco will work together with Cesare Tirabassi and Daniel
Holbach who review his work before it hits sponsors lists, the archive
admins, etc. Also Marco commits to not mass filing bug reports. The
report about his work will be publicly available
at - also will the
report be sent to the MC every two weeks (first in the mid of January).
This is Marco's chance to redeem himself, if it does not work out we
will have to ask Marco to stop working on Ubuntu.

Point 3: No resolution in favour of limiting his IRC and mailing list

Until the decision deadline of Fri 21st 12:00 UTC three of the five
MOTU Council members (Michael Bienia, Søren Hansen and Daniel Holbach)
have voted.

= MOTU Fitness =
Scott Kitterman asks the members of the MOTU Council to share their idea
about the fitness of Marco Rodrigues for becoming a MOTU.

==  Daniel Holbach ==
I hope my words in a previous mail have been clear enough, I'll repeat
them here again: "From reviewing his work for a longer time now I get
the impression that Marco has the tendency to do too many things at
once. I personally feel that until this changes, Marco can't become a
MOTU - he needs to be more careful."

For you, Marco, I'd like to add an advice: it can be very gratifying to
get a lot done in a short amount of time, also it's nice to get
recognised for good work by other maintainers, in changelogs, upstream
products and so on, but please bear in mind how much time it costs to do
good reviews and how frustrating it can be to do reviews over and over
again just because of a lack of dedication to quality and to make things

== Michael Bienia ==
I don't see Marco currently fit for MOTU. Because of his repeated
mistakes in the past, Marco needs a lot good work to undo his currently
bad reputation and to gain trust from other MOTUs.

= Marco Rodrigues's future in the MOTU team, Option a) =
Scott Kitterman proposes that the MOTU Council asks for all of
his Ubuntu-related Launchpad privileges on Launchpad to be revoked. This
includes a provision for reconsideration at a later date so that this is
not a permanent decision (two MC members vouch for Marco so he'll get
another chance, they bring it to the community and it can be decided

== Votes ==
No votes in favour.

= Marco Rodrigues's future in the MOTU team, Option b) =
Daniel Holbach proposes that Marco will be asked to agree to run
all of his work by volunteers. (Daniel Holbach and Cesare Tirabassi
agreed to work with him.) The volunteers will report every two weeks
about what's going on.

Jordan Mantha adds that Marco will be given a (last) chance to
officially redeem himself by giving him a probationary period where he
is under MOTU scrutiny. Marco commits to not mass filing bug reports.
This should involve tracking also his bug comments, IRC behaviour, etc.
If anybody notices something inappropriate (not asking for perfection,
but looking out for disruptive behaviour) a MC member should be notified
right away. This includes re-evaluation, taking sponsors feedback into
account. Any problem brought up to the MC during the probationary
period. If the evaluation is positive then we should officially
reinstate him as a regular contributor. If the evaluation doesn't go
well, we must ask him to no longer work on Ubuntu.

== Søren Hansen ==
This option gives us a clear roadmap of where to go from here, and it
clearly states the consequences of continued disruptive behaviour, and
also gives Marco a final chance to redeem himself.  I also think it sets
a reasonable precedent for similar situations in the future. +1 from me.

== Michael Bienia ==
Marco, no direct subscription of the usual sponsoring teams
(ubuntu-universe-sponsors and ubuntu-main-sponsors). All sponsoring
should *only* happen through your dedicated sponsors.


Due to the time of the season, I don't expect much work happening in the
next week, so I propose to end the first two-week probation time in the
mid of January, to give both Marco time to improve and his sponsors time
to evaluate him.

== Daniel Holbach ==
I'd like to thank everybody for their input and specifically Jordan for
adding clarification to point 2b), also Cesare for agreeing to help
review and reporting (anybody else?).

+1 for this alternative.

Marco: I want to make it clear that you are to CC Cesare and me on bug
reports (I noticed that you are doing this already), but that you leave
it to one of us to subscribe ubuntu-{main,universe}-sponsors and other
teams (like ubuntu-archive). We'll be your point of contact for now.
(For the christmas time this might include waiting periods.)

I just set up (all in
the assumption, that this proposal will be agreed on).

Marco: please take a step back from your work and realise to what length
we go to ensure your right to work with us, please don't disappoint us.

= IRC and mailing list limitations =
Scott Kitterman proposes that the MOTU Council tells Marco, that he is
invited to read the MOTU mailing list and the IRC channel so that he can
continue to attempt to learn, but that he is not to give
advice/answers or disrupt the activities of developers (asking the
channel generically for an answer wouldn't count, but bothering specific
developers would). Also that the MC authorise IRC operators and mailing
list admins to enforce this if he does not restrain himself.

== Daniel Holbach ==
-1. I don't believe this a good idea in the current form. 

I do agree though that Marco would do good to not bother specific people
but ask questions publicly, so that everybody can learn from them.

 Your MC

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