Summary of the discussion about Marco Rodrigues

Soren Hansen soren at
Thu Dec 20 16:44:19 GMT 2007

On Tue, Dec 18, 2007 at 05:28:31PM +0100, Daniel Holbach wrote:
> 2b)  Daniel Holbach proposes that Marco will be asked to agree to run
> all of his work by volunteers. (Daniel Holbach and Cesare Tirabassi
> agreed to work with him.) The volunteers will report every two weeks
> about what's going on.
> Jordan Mantha adds that Marco will be given a (last) chance to
> officially redeem himself by giving him a probationary period where he
> is under MOTU scrutiny. Marco commits to not mass filing bug reports.
> This should involve tracking also his bug comments, IRC behaviour, etc.
> If anybody notices something inappropriate (not asking for perfection,
> but looking out for disruptive behaviour) a MC member should be
> notified right away. This includes re-evaluation, taking sponsors
> feedback into account. Any problem brought up to the MC during the
> probationary period. If the evaluation is positive then we should
> officially reinstate him as a regular contributor. If the evaluation
> doesn't go well, we must ask him to no longer work on Ubuntu.

This option gives us a clear roadmap of where to go from here, and it
clearly states the consequences of continued disruptive behaviour, and
also gives Marco a final chance to redeem himself.  I also think it sets
a reasonable precedent for similar situations in the future. +1 from me.

> This is what we need much more and much earlier for similar matters in
> the future.

Agreed. The positive outcome of this entire situation is that we've
gotten a much clearer image of how to deal with various situations in
the future, and this most certainly should help the MC establish itself
as a respected authority in our development community.

Soren Hansen
Ubuntu Server Team
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