
Alvin Cura alvin.cura at
Mon Aug 27 19:24:34 BST 2007

Hello Council of the Masters of the Universe,

By the Power of Grayskull, I...

Just kidding.

I have noticed problems with the FAI packages in Ubuntu, and am intending to
work on it a bit.  I would like to submit it back for future distributions.

At this point, I have conducted several tests, including using the Debian
4.0r1 Etch distribution's FAI packages (and distro) in order to debootstrap
Feisty with some success.  I think the reverse-engineering isn't too

Information on me can be found at

Regarding qualifications and whatnot, I worked at Sun Microsystems during
the release of Solaris 2.3 and the associated Jumpstart (Auto-Install)
framework.  Moreover, I wrote the examples in the textbook.  Automated
deployment and provisioning is one of my top objectives.

I would like to run Ubuntu as a server platform at my new company.  In order
to sell that solution, I need to ensure that it works well and scales.
Rather than complain, I'd rather fix it at the source.  :)

I'd appreciate getting in touch with someone to tell me how to go about
achieving this objective?

- alvinc
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