scene::Surface - Shouldn't input_bounds be a bounding box of the input_region?

Daniel d'Andrada daniel.dandrada at
Fri Jun 3 20:17:26 UTC 2016


I was working under the assumption that, in mir::scene::Surface, 
input_bounds() was the bounding box of the input region [1]. But it was 
always returning the full surface size no matter what.

Then, checking implementation, I saw that it simply returns the surface 
size. Is that the correct and intended definition of input_bounds 
(there's no documentation on it, so its definition follows from the 
implementation itself)? Wouldn't it be more useful and accurate if it 
were the bounding box I thought it was? Or is it just a bad by-product 
of having scene::Surface inherit from input::Surface, making 
input_bounds() a redundant property of the former.

- Daniel

[1] by the way, why there's no input_region() getter in scene::Surface? 
qtmir would sure make good use of it. Now it has to rely on 
shell::WindowManager::modify_surface to get this information.

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