Redundant distro branches

Daniel van Vugt daniel.van.vugt at
Mon Aug 24 08:17:22 UTC 2015

I'm kind of saying we should stop using:
and instead use:

However that's not quite correct. You should target proposed first, so 
actually we would target:

I can only imagine we're using lp:mir/ubuntu for one of two reasons:
    * Historical mistakes and nobody noticed; or
    * The "train" needs a separate branch.

If the latter is the reason then it would be helpful for us to at least 
clarify for our own benefit that:
actually means:

On 24/08/15 16:04, Alan Griffiths wrote:
> On 24/08/15 08:45, Daniel van Vugt wrote:
>> We've been using this as our distro branch for a while, but actually
>> the distro does not use it:
>> Why don't we just target future releases to the actual ubuntu
>> (proposed) branch instead?
>> Presently I'm guessing most of ~mir-team can't write to those
>> branches, but that's OK... we probably only need to be able to propose
>> to them. No write access required.
> I've never been comfortable with the use of branches.
> It makes sense for the mir team to manage the development branch
> (lp:mir) and release branches (lp:mir/0.15, lp:mir/0.14 etc.).
> The distro branches, however, for vivid, wily and vivid-phablet-overlay
> (which is like a distro as far managing our releases goes) as you say
> are really ought to be owned by the distro.
> If for operational reasons we need to provide a distro specific URL the
> most we should be doing is maintaining an alias to a corresponding
> release branch. (But I don't see why this would be needed.)
> I think I'm agreeing with you.
> Alan

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