RFC Playground

Robert Carr robert.carr at canonical.com
Thu Apr 2 18:15:10 UTC 2015

>> Definitely not suggesting it's not useful, or that we should remove it.

I am suggesting both. I think we've found uses for it given its existence
but it's existence is overall harmful.

I think mir_demo_server is just as useful for testing downstream projects.
Neither is useful for testing Unity8. For testing QtUbuntu or testing
client behavior I think it is most useful to use something assembled from
the public components of Mir.

It's true that as it stands mir_proving_server more closely approximates
realistic WM functionality as it stands: but why would this matter? It
doesn't constitute progress on the Mir-product.

The harm comes out of the cost to support it, both in the pulls it makes on
interfaces, and in the features (and bugs) it creates.

I speculate we are having this discussion as a proxy about an unsettled
disagreement about how implement the shell rather than serious belief in
the merit of using proving server for product testing.


On Thu, Apr 2, 2015 at 9:51 AM, Cemil Azizoglu <cemil.azizoglu at canonical.com
> wrote:

> Definitely not suggesting it's not useful, or that we should remove it.
> But "playground" (I am not a big fan of the name either) has one specific
> purpose stated previously but now includes code that doesn't contribute to
> that purpose (again, it does contribute to other just as useful purposes).
> What I'm suggesting is we should migrate to public whatever we think
> should be public, so you got solid support for that code. The rest should
> move elsewhere (perhaps "internal examples" as opposed to "examples" which
> I'd consider external)  and even perhaps off the tree.
> Regards,
> Cemil
> On Thu, Apr 2, 2015 at 2:50 AM, Thomas Voß <thomas.voss at canonical.com>
> wrote:
>> On Thu, Apr 2, 2015 at 4:36 AM, Daniel van Vugt <
>> daniel.van.vugt at canonical.com> wrote:
>>> All the features are useful. And use of the word "playground" was not my
>>> choice (I was outvoted). They have all been used to develop other features
>>> or to diagnose bugs in Mir, or soon will be used when I find the time. By
>>> function you can see them documented here:
>>> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mir-team/mir/development-
>>> branch/view/head:/doc/demo_shell_controls.md
>>> The "cosmetic" stuff is also very useful. Shadows for example make the
>>> stacking order obvious. Title bars show you that you have the correct title
>>> string and that the new API for that works. Which I needed just recently.
>>> The zoom feature I've used repeatedly to see fine pixel details and even
>>> yesterday as an aid in measuring latency.
>>> I use mir_proving_server every day. It helps me to find bugs that no one
>>> else on the team is noticing (but should). Management has asked me on a
>>> couple of occasions "what is your trick to finding bugs that nobody else
>>> does?". The answer is daily manual testing with mir_proving_server.
>>> It's also worth noting that one of Cemil's first contributions (seamless
>>> rotation) would not have been possible without mir_proving_server. And
>>> Gerry uses mir_proving_server regularly to compare features. Including
>>> yesterday, he used it to test resizing, which is more feature complete in
>>> mir_proving_server than elsewhere.
>>> Most importantly however, something slightly pretty motivates people to
>>> get involved. Either directly in Mir or downstream, it allows them to see
>>> potential for Mir which is impossible for most people to see in flat
>>> rectangles. Sparking peoples' imagination is invaluable.
>>> Something like this that people use every day should not be deleted.
>>> That would be most unhelpful. But mold it into some slightly different
>>> form, sure.
>> ​I'm not sure where your reservation arises from, but no one proposes to
>> delete useful code. On the contrary, people appreciate the usefulness of
>> the code and propose to graduate it to the production base such that it is
>> under test and guaranteed to be working.​
>> Thanks,
>>   Thomas
>>> On 02/04/15 00:03, Alberto Aguirre wrote:
>>>> Once we release mir 0.13 we can tell our colleagues to use
>>>> mir_demo_server instead.
>>>>  From what I can see, features missing from the demo server in
>>>> comparison to proving server are mostly cosmetic. If they are not, can
>>>> Daniel list the features that are missing?
>>>> On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 8:40 PM, Daniel van Vugt
>>>> <daniel.van.vugt at canonical.com <mailto:daniel.van.vugt at canonical.com>>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>     Last I checked mir_proving_server was more functional and less buggy
>>>>     than our other example servers. That and our colleagues tend to use
>>>>     it as their primary development platform when testing toolkit/app
>>>>     ports. So mir_proving_server is important and should be reworked to
>>>>     use any newer APIs you would prefer it to use.
>>>>     I know it's frustrating the number of regressions we've had this
>>>>     past week or so. But to blame the functionality that regressed more
>>>>     than the person who regressed it I think is disproportionate.
>>>>     Yeah that "god" function is annoying. It needs to be teased apart. I
>>>>     can help with that but it's not a major priority right now.
>>>>     Please try to avoid belittling the project by using words like
>>>>     "playground" and "dark corner". It's important and useful example
>>>>     code that myself and others use every day to do our jobs. So if you
>>>>     want it modernised, let's do it.
>>>>     On 31/03/15 21:12, Alan Griffiths wrote:
>>>>         There's a bunch of code in the mir project that isn't needed for
>>>>         supporting the public interfaces (neither by implementing them,
>>>>         testing
>>>>         them nor demonstrating their use). This code lies in
>>>>         "playground" and
>>>>         shares that location with the following README:
>>>>              The Playground
>>>>              These are mir demos that excercise private in-flux mir
>>>>         functionality.
>>>>              As such functionality matures, related headers become
>>>>         public and the
>>>>              playground
>>>>              code may become an example of how to use such feature.
>>>>         It has now been some time since any functionality has "matured"
>>>> from
>>>>         playground and become public (either as APIs or examples). I
>>>>         don't see
>>>>         any evidence that the code there is being developed toward such
>>>>         an event
>>>>         in the foreseeable future.
>>>>         The requirement to support this code is becoming a burden as it
>>>>         makes
>>>>         use of internal APIs in a way that limits the evolution of Mir
>>>>         internals. Updating the code is also costly as it has grown in
>>>> an
>>>>         uncontrolled manner (most of the logic seems to be in one 223
>>>>         line "god"
>>>>         function). Because it not under test to the same extent as Mir
>>>>         production code we've had a number of breakages to this code
>>>> land on
>>>>         trunk recently (often to features I wasn't previously aware of).
>>>>         So the questions:
>>>>         1. Does "playground" still provide a proving ground for new
>>>> code to
>>>>         germinate? Or is it dark corner for legacy code to go and die?
>>>>         2. Do we still need a proving ground like this? Or do our public
>>>>         APIs
>>>>         now support enough functionality to drive feature development?
>>>>         3. If we still need a proving ground is it desirable to rework
>>>>         this code
>>>>         to be better aligned with the rest of the project?
>>>>         4. If we don't need "playground" is there anything we need to
>>>>         provide
>>>>         before dropping it from the project.
>>>>     --
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> Cemil Azizoglu
> Mir Display Server - Team Lead
> Canonical USA
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