Reworking our support for platform specific functions

Alexandros Frantzis alexandros.frantzis at
Mon Oct 13 11:37:04 UTC 2014

Hi all,

the need has arisen to add another platform-specific function, in order
to resolve bug LP: #1379266. This addition triggered some concerns about
the way we implement such functions.

The problem

In our current implementation, adding a platform-specific function
causes platform-specific details to leak into many layers from client to
server. For example, for the existing drm_auth_magic() call we have:

Client API: mir_connection_drm_auth_magic(int magic, ...)
Client    : MirConnection::drm_auth_magic(...)
Protobuf  : rpc drm_auth_magic(DRMMagic) returns (DRMAuthMagicStatus)
Server    : SessionMediator::drm_auth_magic(), mg::DRMAuthenticator

This approach has a few drawbacks:

1. Platform-specific details leak in code that should be platform
2. It can't support platform-specific functions for 3rd party platforms.
3. It's burdensome to add a new platform-specific functions (I guess
   this is a problem for our API functions in general).

Proposed solution

To solve the issues mentioned above we need to provide a way to make an
opaque (as far as the rest of Mir is concerned) request to the platform:

Client API: mir_connection_platform_operation(type, DataAndFds request, ...);
Client    : MirConnection::platform_operation(type, ...)
Protobuf  : rpc platform_operation(type, DataAndFds) returns (DataAndFds)
Server    : SessionMediator::platform_operation()
Platform  : DataAndFds PlatformIpcOperations::platform_operation(type, DataAndFds)

Each platform should expose a header with its operation types and
expected parameters types. For mesa it could be something like:

enum MesaPlatformOperationType { drm_auth_magic, drm_get_auth_fd };
struct DRMAuthMagicRequest { int magic; }
struct DRMAuthMagicReply { int status; }

And a request would be:

DRMAuthMagicRequest request = { magic };

void platform_operation_callback(
    MirConnection* connection, DataAndFds const* reply, void* context)
    struct DRMAuthMagicReply const* magic_reply = reply->data;

    drm_auth_magic, request, platform_operation_callback);

With this approach:

1. No platform-specific details leak into unrelated layers. Only the
   platform knows about these details and exposes them to other interested

2+3. It's trivial for 3rd party platforms to expose platform-specific operations

This proposal involves changes and ABI bumps to a few layers, so I would
appreciate some early feedback and discussion.



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