Mir absolute pointer support?

Thomas Hellstrom thellstrom at vmware.com
Thu Oct 2 09:26:54 UTC 2014


I'm putting together a VMMouse driver for the linux kernel. In the
preferred mode, the mouse driver sends absolute XY position events: The
idea behind the VMMouse is to be able to use the host cursor to avoid
cursor lag, and then we need to explicitly specify the cursor position
to the guest Virtual Machine.

The idea with a kernel driver is twofold:
1) To be able to run Xorg rootless
2) To enable vmmouse functionality on Mir and Wayland.

The mouse actually shows up as two input devices. One sending only
relative movement events and wheel events, one sending only absolute
position events. The idea is that the display server binds to both input
devices and multiplexes the events, although relative movement events
are very rarely used.

This works fine with Xorg and XMir. The Xorg evdev driver recognizes the
absolute device as a touchscreen and the relative device as a mouse.

However, when I run the Mir demos, it's obvious that no events reach Mir
from the absolute input device. Only mouse wheel motion that is sent
through the relative device.

Before I file a bug, I'd like to know whether absolute pointers are not
supported by Mir yet or if there's some other kind of filtering going on
(for example both the relative and absolute input devices share the same
name and vendor etc.)


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