Client API philosophy - minutes of meeting

Daniel van Vugt daniel.van.vugt at
Wed Nov 12 01:36:24 UTC 2014

Sorry, I got the impression the meeting was off due to nobody replying 
to my meeting replies, and nobody replying to the meeting invite.

Your proposed API is overcomplicated, does not scale and fails to 
support shells other than Unity. I do not endorse it, obviously.

It requires exponentially more effort and maintenance, to achieve a less 
flexible result. I can't stop the team from outvoting me, but I will not 
implement an inferior design that requires unbounded ongoing maintenance 
(supporting new shells, new types, new semantics) when a superior design 
that supports all use cases from day 1 and has zero ongoing maintenance 
is already proposed.

On 11/11/14 22:29, Alan Griffiths wrote:
> To help resolve this discussion Thomas Voss called a meeting at 9:00UTC
> 11-11-2014
> Those attending:
> Thomas Voss
> Christopher James Halse Rogers
> Alan Griffiths
> Alexandros Frantzis
> Andreas Pokorny
> Apologies:
> Daniel van Vugt
> 1. We started with a recap over some design goals:
> 1.1 The server should be in control of "policy"
> 1.2 It should be easy to validate use of the client API
> Thomas noted that he saw no need to support re-parenting - there was no
> disagreement.
> We discussed the several design approaches being discussed - including
> the "parenting" proposals from Daniel and the "two-stage-surface-create"
> proposal from Chris and variations from various discussions. These were
> assessed against the needs of the user of the client API and the needs
> of the server to decide presentation policy.
> Consensus was reached around the following:
> For each type of surface there should be a corresponding "builder" type.
> We used creation of a "menu" to illustrate the canonical form of surface
> creation (note the names here are illustrative, not prescriptive)...
>     // allocate a builder with all required parameters
>     MirSurfaceBuilder* menu_builder =
>     mir_connection_allocate_menu_builder(connection, /* any required
>     parameters (e.g. parent) */);
>     ...
>     // set any optional attributes
>     mir_surface_bulder_set_XXX(menu_builder, xxx);
>     // Finally, create the surface
>     MirSurface* surface =
>     mir_surface_bulder_create_surface_sync(menu_builder);
> This approach had the following advantages:
> 1. The type of surface is determined explicitly
> 2. Provision of required parameters is validated at compile time
> 3. MirSurfaceBuilder and MirSurface are opaque types
> Note that discovering new "required" parameters is an API break and this
> approach ensures affected code is identified at compile time.
> Re the "parenting" branches: "parent" is only ever provided as part of
> builder creation (and supplied to the server at surface creation time).
> Re-parenting isn't to be supported. These branches need reworking
> accordingly.
> Actions:
> Chris: to update his branch to have a separate builder object. (This
> also addresses concerns about functions that behave differently between
> pre-realize and post-realize.)
> Alan: write minutes

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