Observers, collections and multiple threads

Andreas Pokorny andreas.pokorny at
Fri Jun 27 12:54:25 UTC 2014

In the project I worked on before joining mir we made a few decisions early
that simplified those cases.
We declared that all the things that control the content of an output would
run inside a single thread and all operations on it are scheduled from a
single event loop.
Where output means a layer/overlay or an offscreen buffer integrated into
another scene.
So the processing of state machines, animation, scene processing like focus
handling, layout updates and rendering happens single threaded and entirely
lock free.

We allowed temporary observing individual widget properties and here we had
those issue:
1. An object decides to no longer observe a property, but it is currently
being called or will soon be called.
2. The object which is called within a change callback of a property causes
changes to other properties or the same property and hence further change
callbacks to the same or other objects.

We solved that like this:
1 ~ Since multi threading was defined to not exist - we simply marked those
in the observer list that have to be removed after calling each observer
that has not been marked to be disabled.
2 ~ Changes to values are applied immediately but we only notified
observers when the new value differs. In that case the observers are not
informed directly. Instead the object registers itself at the event loop
for the next "step". The event loop had a concept of steps. Each step
represents an intermediate step of the changes inside the scene. When no
step provokes a new step we are done and rendering may start. So at each of
those steps we dispatched the registered change notifications that were
accumulated in the previous step. After the first "empty" step the scene
was considered stable and rendering could start.

So with that decision thread safety was a convention every user had to
follow. If a component got triggered by some sort of external event and had
to manipulate the scene it either made sure that this external event source
was handled by the event loop of the scene or injected a task to the event
loop which then manipulates the scene.

I think especially problem (2) might become relevant for mir, as soon as
the scene model becomes more elaborate.

We stumbled across a problem rather late in the project, partially caused
by (2), the functor size and having to subscribe to each property
individually. That consumed a lot of memory, and tracking subscriptions -
i.e. subscribing to properties when objects enter the scene and undoing
that, took a measurable amount of time. There was a plan to circumvent that
by providing grouped subscription - as in subscribe to "each property <x>
of widgets derived from a certain type <y>".


On Fri, Jun 27, 2014 at 1:30 PM, Alan Griffiths <
alan.griffiths at> wrote:

> We've had a number of proposals recently that ran into issues with when
> and what to lock in collections of observers and what actions on the
> observed object (and its collection of observers) are possible while in
> a notification callback. (Some links at bottom)
> I don't know of a good approach that addresses all concerns (and a quick
> internet search didn't find a good answer) but I thought I'd first write
> out a list of the  concerns that have crawled out of our discussions.
> And mention what we've discovered so far.
> We've generally taken an approach that implies that the "observer"
> objects making observations generally outlive the objects being
> observed. Indeed the simplest case is that the observer is part of the
> application infrastructure and not part of the dynamic state. For this
> case it is simplest to create a "listener" object (that calls
> notification methods on the observer) and pass its ownership to the
> "subject". The observer can then forget about everything except handling
> the notifications.
> The naive approach is for the collection of listeners to be locked when
> being updated and when sending notifications.
> This works well until we hit one of two cases:
> 1. the observer takes some action that generates a new notification,
> 2. the observer is destroyed and needs to prevent further notifications
> to a dead object.
> In case 2 we expect the observer to remove the listener from the
> subject's collection *after* which notifications cease. Note that
> "after" implies we need a synchronization mechanism as multiple threads
> can be involved.
> In case 1, if we have hold exclusive lock during notifications then
> we'll get a deadlock.
> One solution that has been tried is to copy the collection and release
> the lock. That doesn't work with the above solution to case 2: after
> releasing the lock nothing prevents listeners being "removed" on another
> thread *before* being invoked through the copy.
> Another solution that has been tried is to hold a recursive lock during
> notifications and updates to the collection. That allows other
> notifications to take place *and changes to the collection*. So we still
> take a copy of the collection and traverse that (to avoid iterators
> invalidating), but before invoking them also check that objects exist in
> the "true" collection. (There's an example in
> MirEventDistributor::handle_event()).
> Thank you for listening!
> Alan
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