Bite size

Michał Sawicz michal.sawicz at
Wed Jan 29 12:27:42 UTC 2014

On 29.01.2014 12:22, Marco Trevisan wrote:
> Where all my work is done only in work dir, and I can use bzr switch to
> move to a different branch that I might create or fetch in BRANCHES.
> See [1] for more hints, but that definitely made my workflow with bzr
> much more productive (so, that switching branch and recompiling only
> rebuilds what has changed).
> Ah, also with using the bzr q* tools, where especially qdiff is a must.

I've been using colocated branches for a while now (lp:bzr-colo), that 
let you work within a single checkout and referencing the other branches 
by a colo: prefix. Biggest problem I've encountered is that their 
location is stored absolute, so once you colo-ify your repo, you can't 
move it about without a few hiccups.

Michał (Saviq) Sawicz <michal.sawicz at>
Canonical Services Ltd.

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