Single buffered clients (LP: #1194333)

Daniel van Vugt daniel.van.vugt at
Tue Apr 29 06:12:06 UTC 2014

It does kind of work now, providing you honor the limitation of not 
producing and consuming at the same time. And it can easily be fixed to 
work adequately (e.g. for dumb clients like mir_demo_client_fingerpaint 
or static raster image windows).

I would rather just implement it. It's trivial to implement and maintain.

On 29/04/14 13:57, Christopher James Halse Rogers wrote:
> We've got a bug filed¹ documenting that we don't support single-buffered
> clients. I'd like to mark this as WontFix.
> The reasoning being: single buffered clients cannot reliably render
> without glitches, EGL allows us to not support frontbuffer rendering,
> and our current pseudo-support for single buffering results in the
> BufferBundle being more complex than it needs to be.
> Since it doesn't work now, and cannot work well, I suggest we annotate
> the bug as such.
> ¹:

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