mir's internal renderer + other shells

Daniel van Vugt daniel.van.vugt at canonical.com
Tue Apr 1 01:29:58 UTC 2014

I think this is essentially what I was trying to get at in the 
"Compositor / Renderer" thread on 21 March. So we're on the same page.

It's worth noting that the concepts:
are all specific to MultithreadedCompositor. If a shell replaces 
"the_compositor()" then it is replacing all of those classes in a single 
blow. That's exactly what qml-demo-shell does so it doesn't know or care 
what a DisplayBufferCompositor or Renderer are. Although, the price 
qml-demo-shell pays for that is lower performance (no bypass) and no 
multi-monitor support, so it's obviously not a permanent solution.

I agree completely if these are to remain useful abstractions, they 
should become useful to Unity too. And that is at the back of my mind 
(despite what it looks like).

- Daniel

On 01/04/14 06:04, Kevin DuBois wrote:
> I too think we should steer clear of a toolkit, and can assume people
> want to write their own GL and GLSL. I'm concerned though that we don't
> have an obvious location that we want people to plug in new rendering
> engines though.
> My big concern right now is that I don't see us rallying around the same
> Renderer/Compositor interfaces in order to plug the QtSg and (USC/demo
> shells). We're evolving, but divergently. It needs to be obvious what we
> want the new-shell-writer to replace. Right now, its not obvious, and we
> have the demo shell evolving along the lines of "expand mc::GLRenderer"
> and the QtSG stuff evolving more along the lines of "replace the
> DefaultDisplayBufferCompositor".
> Our examples/ directory is where the new-shell-writer would probably
> look first to learn how to do something cool, so we should point them in
> the direction we want them to go. There's a split between what we
> recommend in our examples, and what we're actually planning on using for
> the unity8 shell.
> The best way I can see to rectify this is to allow for people to rewrite
> the DefaultDisplayBufferCompositor, meaning we have a USC compositor
> implementation, a fancy demo shell implementation, and a QtSG
> implemenation. [1]
> We are object-oriented after all :) This lets us arrange our interfaces
> flexibly, we have a the different needs between the three.
> The next step for driving at the triad of implementations would just be to
> 1) Continue making DefaultDisplayBufferCompositor smaller and smaller
> (which I'm working on anyways to get overlays all hooked up)
> 2) split the GLRenderer somehow, instead of having one implementation
> with different internal parts being overridden. We make it two
> implementations, or we make it a cobbling together of different useful
> GL parts (I prefer the two implementations, we are object oriented. The
> end result here would be that mc::Renderer would get buried into the
> private headers, or be a header private to examples/. [2] This also has
> the added benefit that we don't have latent demo code in USC's call path.
> Cheers
> Kevin
> [1] Last I've heard about QtSG, DefaultDisplayBufferCompositor is the
> place that needs replacement). Correct me if things have changed :)
> [2] IIRC, historically, mc::Renderer was originally just to test the
> interactions between the compositor and the GL code. At some point it
> was made public and overridable, and became a much bigger/more important
> interface than we originally intended
> On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 6:38 AM, Kevin Gunn <kevin.gunn at canonical.com
> <mailto:kevin.gunn at canonical.com>> wrote:
>     On Sun, Mar 30, 2014 at 9:06 PM, Daniel van Vugt
>     <daniel.van.vugt at canonical.com
>     <mailto:daniel.van.vugt at canonical.com>> wrote:
>         This topic sounds like what I've been working on - moving the
>         pieces around so that anything and everyone can play nicely with
>         Mir. It's really an evolution toward reaching some common
>         interface that Unity8/Qt and other pure OpenGL shells could use
>         simultaneously.
>         On kdub's points:
>          > Does it mean that you don't have to write GL? [1]
>         At the moment, yes you have to use GL or a toolkit which uses GL
>         (Qt). However we are aiming to not even be dependent on GL if
>         something else was available.
>     by this do you simply mean the interface between Compositor &
>     Renderer will be devoid of GL ?
>     and the "something else" could be HWC i suppose ?...but even then,
>     we assume GL as a fallback.
>          > Does it mean that you don't have to write common GL
>         algorithms? (eg,
>          > tesselation, drawing, texture stuff)
>         You can use the built-in drawing methods of GLRenderer (which
>         themselves are evolving and subject to change). In the purest
>         sense I think all of GLRenderer would become shell-specific.
>         However that's not likely to happen while it still contains
>         important boiler-plate logic. I'm slowly working to try and push
>         boiler-plate into Mir and GL-bling into the shell.
>     yeah, but +1 to what you describe. this actually allows gets that
>     nice split of "convenience" for those that just need to use
>     boiler-plate....and then "flexibility" for those that want to go all
>     bling-y.
>          > Does it mean that we give some pretty basic, simple
>         interfaces that you can plug your stuff in?
>         Yes, working on that re-"Compositor / Renderer". But I'm
>         conscious that we don't want to build a toolkit. We're not
>         building a "toolkit" in the normal sense but a set of interfaces
>         for building shells.
>     agreed, and i think its good to restate this. I think the creep of
>     "toolkit into mir" is something we have to be on guard for.
>          > Does it mean that when mir's compositor is overridden
>         libmirserver.so
>          > does not touch GL state at all?
>         Ideally that should be possible. GL should just be an option
>         anyway. Although the GL context is tangled up in the
>         DisplayBuffer design right now.
>         - Daniel
>         On 29/03/14 03:48, Kevin DuBois wrote:
>             Hello mir folks,
>             We have 4 users of mir in-flight right now:
>             1) unity8 (driving at using QtSG)
>             2) USC (using the default mir implementation)
>             3) the demo shell (using the default mir implementation, and
>             overriding
>             its functionality in some areas)
>             4) the demo server (using the default mir animation)
>             I mostly want to think about 2, 3 and 4 at this email
>             discussion, that
>             is, how do we arrange for sharing the default mir compositor
>             implementation with USC and the demo shell. (unity8 has its
>             own ball
>             rolling already with an effective fork of the mir
>             implementation)
>             Now USC is obviously important because its in production,
>             and the demo
>             shell is important too, because its making sure its easy to
>             write a
>             sensible shell from scratch.
>             Now, 'easy to write a sensible shell from scratch' is a bit
>             vague, we
>             should hash out what that means in this email chain.
>             Does it mean that you don't have to write GL? [1]
>             Does it mean that you don't have to write common GL
>             algorithms? (eg,
>             tesselation, drawing, texture stuff)
>             Does it mean that we give some pretty basic, simple
>             interfaces that you
>             can plug your stuff in?
>             Does it mean that when mir's compositor is overridden
>             libmirserver.so
>             does not touch GL state at all?
>             kdub's opinion:
>             //begin
>             Its kinda tricky to think about; I like to approach it from the
>             perspective of someone who doesn't know much about mir's
>             internals, but
>             has written a GL game/program before and wants to try their
>             hand at
>             writing a shell, or perhaps someone with toolkit/GL
>             experience who wants
>             to try a shell. [2]
>             Given this, what I would want is mir to handle all the junk
>             about
>             clients, ipc, buffer swapping, etc. I'd just want to write
>             GL; my own
>             shaders, my own algorithms, my own GL state. [3] I wouldn't
>             really be
>             interested in using mir's GL stuff (triangle tesselation?
>             bah! I want to
>             write zany jigsaw tessellations and name the vertex attrib
>             what I want
>             to name it!)
>             So given this, I'd like to see the demo shell forking the
>             USC rendering
>             functionality at some point, not sharing very much at all.
>             QtSG/unity8
>             is already forking the rendering functionality. This kinda
>             drives
>             against the 'never duplicate code' instinct, but the 3rd
>             party shell
>             writer is probably /only/ interested in duplicating code.
>             It also makes the USC/production default renderer
>             implementation the
>             lightest possible implementation one can get away with,
>             while having the
>             demo shell's implementation showing a more high power
>             implementation.
>             So maybe, we have to have 2 vertex/fragment shaders in the
>             mir code
>             base, as opposed to one set like we have now, but in the
>             end, our
>             interfaces are better for it, and the 3rd party implementers
>             have an
>             easier time bootstrapping too.
>             //end
>             Interested to hear other people's thoughts, I'd guess
>             there's a few
>             different 'how easy is easy?" answers floating around.
>             Striking the
>             right balance will get other shell rolling easily, without
>             us having to
>             support the myriad things in the USC implementation.
>             Cheers,
>             Kevin
>             [1] we already have an approach aimed at the minimal-GL with
>             unity8/QtSG/qml effort
>             [2] There are of course lots of advanced coders who might be
>             interested
>             (like a phone vendor), but I tend to hearken back to my
>             compiz fusion
>             days https://www.youtube.com/watch?__v=9GtMu5afIKg
>             <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GtMu5afIKg>
>             [3] Obviously, this is idealistic, the serious shell coder will
>             eventually wade into more detail about the internal
>             interactions of mir
>             and its scene. But what gets people started coding is seeing
>             its simple
>             to plug your own stuff in there and see it hit the screen.
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