Enhancements as opposed to bugs

Daniel d'Andrada daniel.dandrada at canonical.com
Thu Oct 17 13:01:58 UTC 2013

I agree. Cryptic acronyms are bad.

Another ides is using tags, like suggested here 
https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/176431/comments/4. That would 
save us some precious space in the bug title.

On 16/10/13 23:03, Daniel van Vugt wrote:
> I don't think "[ER]" is very user-friendly. No one outside the team 
> would understand it.
> How about "[feature]" or "[enhancement]"?
> On 16/10/13 21:02, Kevin Gunn wrote:
>> thanks for the feedback.
>> it likely won't be something to be fixed in a short term - but i agree,
>> bugs (over blueprints) seem closer to being 'everything' you'd want when
>> looking at the vices & virtues of bugs vs blueprints.
>> i think what bugs are missing is a bit of aggregation & reporting ...as
>> well as a way to better reflect scheduling (for a big picture view)
>> in the near term - there is certainly nothing wrong with pre-pending to
>> the bug title...i would suggest "[ER]" for 'enhancement request'...
>> On Tue, Oct 15, 2013 at 9:10 PM, Daniel van Vugt
>> <daniel.van.vugt at canonical.com <mailto:daniel.van.vugt at canonical.com>>
>> wrote:
>>     Though I recall some of the proprietary issue tracking systems I've
>>     used in the past clearly distinguished between Bug and Enhancement.
>>     And that in itself was sometimes problematic. Where people can't
>>     decide or agree if something is a bug or a feature, you either need
>>     a third classification or a more neutral system that just doesn't
>>     care (like Launchpad).
>>     On 16/10/13 09:28, Daniel van Vugt wrote:
>>         I think we all agree Launchpad does not represent
>>         enhancement/feature
>>         requests ideally. That's why I asked how we'd like to work
>>         around the
>>         shortcomings.
>>         Also, I just found the bug (which itself is actually a feature
>>         request)
>>         and it looks unlikely to be resolved:
>>         https://bugs.launchpad.net/__launchpad/+bug/176431
>>         <https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/176431>
>>         On 15/10/13 22:09, Michał Sawicz wrote:
>>             On 15.10.2013 16:04, Daniel d'Andrada wrote:
>>                 Bugs and new features are, on a slighly higher level,
>>                 the same thing:
>>                 work that has to be done on some piece of software,
>>                 according to some
>>                 specs, with a target milestone, an assignee, a given
>>                 priority, a state
>>                 (in progress, new, commited, released), a discussion
>>                 around it, etc.
>>                 At my previous job we had different systems for those
>>                 (bugs and
>>                 features) for a long time and it was awesome when we
>>                 finally started
>>                 using only one (the bug tracker, but tweaked a bit to
>>                 better accommodate
>>                 those two kinds of tasks) for everything. I think it's
>>                 just natural to
>>                 do so.
>>             I believe the biggest problem with launchpad in that regard
>>             is that
>>             "Wishlist" is the lowest priority (Importance) level. You
>>             can't make an
>>             enhancement higher priority than a bug, that's why some 
>> clear
>>             distinguishing between a bug and a feature would be nice 
>> indeed.

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