Mir & UnityNextUI weekly Mar15, 2013

Kevin Gunn kevin.gunn at canonical.com
Fri Mar 15 21:21:45 UTC 2013

Hi all,

hope all finds you well.
Please find my first installment of the Mir/UnityNextUI team weeklies.

For those that may not know me, I joined Canonical in February to help
lead the UnityUI & Mir teams.


*UnityNext & Mir Weekly Report**
*Mar 15, 2013*

*Current Team Theme*

  * Integrate UnityNext onto Mir
      o Improve UnityNext testing & code cleanup post MWC
      o Mir build out to support UnityNext
  * As always  live action here
      o https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/client-1303-unity-ui-iteration-0
      o https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/client-1303-mir-phone-iteration-0

*Acheived this week**

  * Mir
      o Moved Mir project info inside the source tree, updates get auto
        updated to our public project page
          + <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mir/GetInvolved>http://unity.ubuntu.com/mir/index.html
            and this is tied in with our
            <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mir/GetInvolved> page
              # and the class index...is just awesome! super useful for
                sw devs http://unity.ubuntu.com/mir/annotated.html
      o Lots of progress on input events, basic event propogation
      o Performed some porting of native window  type from Android, not
        complete but enabled team to complete MR for multi-threaded
      o Progress made on logging, surface type added, create simple
        connect/optional callback, Nexus4 gpu integration compelete
  * UnityNext UI
      o Created & merged several component tests for shell
      o Autopilot on for CI/Autolanding
      o Concluded a design review session between Unity tech lead &
        design team
          + consolidating here
      o Ported carousel to Listview
      o Concluded on Notifications architecture, object hierarchy &
        qml/c++ split
      o Began work on critical "bug"(feature) the Appteam for the App
        Lens to dynamically support applications

*Shooting for next week*

  * Mir
      o Continue more formal work on native window type & nexus4 vsynch
      o Continue logging work
      o merge in process egl& qt
      o Begin work on surface ordering / states
  * UnityNext UI
      o Continue creatingmissing tests for shell components
      o Have Notification source skeleton in place
      o Addresstesting where use of gl required
      o Continue app lens work
      o Begin addressing the TODO/FIXMEs (more MWC debt)

*Risks and Issues*

  * NTR

*Noteworthy/Something cool

  * if only we'd sold tickets & popcorn for this

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