[ubuntu/maverick] wmmail 0.64-13.1ubuntu1 (Accepted)

Lorenzo De Liso blackz at ubuntu.com
Wed Jul 7 10:40:26 BST 2010

wmmail (0.64-13.1ubuntu1) maverick; urgency=low

  * Merge from debian unstable (LP: #602247), remaining changes:
    - Don't try and compile with a bare "-I" and "-L" when the X
      headers/libraries are in the usual place. Fixes build failure
      due to the empty -I eating the next argument to gcc.

wmmail (0.64-13.1) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Jari Aalto ]
  * Non-maintainer upload.
    - Move to packaging format "3.0 (quilt)" due to patch.
  * debian/compat
    - Update to 7.
  * debian/control
    - (Build-Depends): Update obsolete xutils to xutils-dev
      (important; Closes: #578961).
      Update to debhelper 7.1. Add autotools-dev.
    - (Depends): Add ${misc:Depends}.
    - (Pre-Depends): New field. Add debconf.
    - (Standards-Version): Update to 3.8.4.
  * debian/copyright
    - Point to GPL-2.
  * debian/menu
    - (section): Change nn-existing Apps/Net to Applications/Network/Monitoring.
  * debian/{preinst,prerm,postinst}
    - Add "set -e".
  * debian/copyright
    - Update layout.
    - Add note about unreachable upstream URL.
  * debian/prerm
    - Add "set -e".
  * debian/rules
    - (buid-stamp): Use newest config.* files.
    - (install-stamp): Change dh_clean to dh_prep.
    - (clean): Fix lintian debian-rules-ignores-make-clean-error.
  * debian/source/format
    - New file.
  * debian/wmmail.postrm
    - New file. Purge debconf.
  * debian/WMMail.1
    - Fix hyphens.

Date: Tue, 06 Jul 2010 14:17:42 +0200
Changed-By: Lorenzo De Liso <blackz at ubuntu.com>
Maintainer: Ubuntu Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss at lists.ubuntu.com>
Signed-By: Daniel Holbach <daniel.holbach at ubuntu.com>
-------------- next part --------------
Hash: SHA1

Format: 1.8
Date: Tue, 06 Jul 2010 14:17:42 +0200
Source: wmmail
Binary: wmmail
Architecture: source
Version: 0.64-13.1ubuntu1
Distribution: maverick
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Ubuntu Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss at lists.ubuntu.com>
Changed-By: Lorenzo De Liso <blackz at ubuntu.com>
 wmmail     - A mail notification program designed for WindowMaker
Closes: 578961
Launchpad-Bugs-Fixed: 602247
 wmmail (0.64-13.1ubuntu1) maverick; urgency=low
   * Merge from debian unstable (LP: #602247), remaining changes:
     - Don't try and compile with a bare "-I" and "-L" when the X
       headers/libraries are in the usual place. Fixes build failure
       due to the empty -I eating the next argument to gcc.
 wmmail (0.64-13.1) unstable; urgency=low
   [ Jari Aalto ]
   * Non-maintainer upload.
     - Move to packaging format "3.0 (quilt)" due to patch.
   * debian/compat
     - Update to 7.
   * debian/control
     - (Build-Depends): Update obsolete xutils to xutils-dev
       (important; Closes: #578961).
       Update to debhelper 7.1. Add autotools-dev.
     - (Depends): Add ${misc:Depends}.
     - (Pre-Depends): New field. Add debconf.
     - (Standards-Version): Update to 3.8.4.
   * debian/copyright
     - Point to GPL-2.
   * debian/menu
     - (section): Change nn-existing Apps/Net to Applications/Network/Monitoring.
   * debian/{preinst,prerm,postinst}
     - Add "set -e".
   * debian/copyright
     - Update layout.
     - Add note about unreachable upstream URL.
   * debian/prerm
     - Add "set -e".
   * debian/rules
     - (buid-stamp): Use newest config.* files.
     - (install-stamp): Change dh_clean to dh_prep.
     - (clean): Fix lintian debian-rules-ignores-make-clean-error.
   * debian/source/format
     - New file.
   * debian/wmmail.postrm
     - New file. Purge debconf.
   * debian/WMMail.1
     - Fix hyphens.
 58ac9558ce853bd2ff992b5ec676f03554704fe5 1164 wmmail_0.64-13.1ubuntu1.dsc
 74cc8b99cb871f7a8ff2db7a0e2c97a22c3ccfaf 64850 wmmail_0.64-13.1ubuntu1.debian.tar.gz
 6519eee5cb761704ba51c5cef31ab5aed4ac39a858df25ea5b2669ec7fa7f9d0 1164 wmmail_0.64-13.1ubuntu1.dsc
 bb3cc0eb8163cab2d1a458390cfee88d72ca3c6c7ed2436a51460bbf1f9d19ff 64850 wmmail_0.64-13.1ubuntu1.debian.tar.gz
 9b0183a7152f96750c36f1f45fd8d799 1164 mail optional wmmail_0.64-13.1ubuntu1.dsc
 a3907bb723e18f9b78949bc0481ddc2a 64850 mail optional wmmail_0.64-13.1ubuntu1.debian.tar.gz
Original-Maintainer: Chris Waters <xtifr at debian.org>

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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