[ubuntu/mantic-proposed] highlight 4.7-1 (Accepted)

Unit 193 unit193 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 23 11:07:57 UTC 2023

highlight (4.7-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * QA upload.  Thanks, David Bremner, for maintaining this over the years.
  * New upstream version 4.7.
    - Refresh patches.
  * d/p/0001-debcherry-fixup-patch.patch: Use the 'lua' alternative.
  * d/compat, d/control: Replace d/compat with debhelper-compat, bump to 13.
  * d/control:
    - R³: no.
    - Replace liblua5.2-dev B-D with liblua5.4-dev.
  * d/*.(docs,examples,install,manpages):
    - Update paths, removing files dropped upstream.
  * d/highlight-common.install: Install plugins and completions.
  * d/highlight.manpages: Install filetypes.conf.5.
  * d/not-installed: Add otherwise installed yet extraneous files.
  * d/rules:
    - Drop get-orig-source target.
    - Override dh_installchangelogs to install ChangeLog.adoc.
    - Enable all hardening options.
    - Pass LUA_LIBS=-llua5.4.
  * Update Standards-Version to 4.6.2.
  * Remove trailing whitespace from previous changelog entries.

Date: 2023-08-18 04:29:43.397670+00:00
Signed-By: Unit 193 <unit193 at gmail.com>
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