Intel RSD Limits

Andres Rodriguez andres.rodriguez at
Mon Oct 16 21:25:42 UTC 2017

Hi Gael,

The limitations of MAAS wrt Intel RSD support are given by RSD itself. As
of today, it is not yet possible to slice amount of CPU/RAM/Local storage a
machine inside Intel RSD, as this is basically on actual systems that are
part of Intel RSD itself.

Further comments inline:

On Tue, Oct 10, 2017 at 3:36 AM, Flint WALRUS <gael.therond at>

> Hi guys, looking at the pods and so Intel RSD limitations but I hardly
> found documentation about it.
> So, what currently are the limitations? Is an aggregated machine limited
> by the amount of hardware that it can request?
> Imagine that I’ve got 4 RSD Servers equipped like:
> 4x socket Intel 16 Core CPU.
> 512 GB Ram.
> 56 TB SSD.
> Does it means that I can aggregate the 64 cores with 2TB RAM and 224 TB
> storage?

Yes, that is correct, however, due to RSD limitations, once you request a
machine with 10 cores, 200GB RAM & 20 TB of storage disk, RSD will give you
one of the physical systems that at least match your request. In other
words, it will give you 1 of the 4 servers.

Hope this answers your question!

> If that’s correct how is that possible? Using a hypervisor with MPI
> capabilities  ?!
> If that’s incorrect what are the limits? Am I limited to the amount of
> resources that can provide a standalone node? If so, why would I use pods
> instead of classic BM with juju on top of maas being able to use lxd
> isolation for resources optimization ?
> Thanks a lot guys!
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Andres Rodriguez
Engineering Manager, MAAS
Canonical USA, Inc.
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