MAAS 2.1.4 bug fix release now available!

Andres Rodriguez andres.rodriguez at
Thu Mar 2 17:11:16 UTC 2017

The MAAS team is happy to announce that  MAAS 2.1.4 has been released. This
is a new upstream bug fix release that addresses the following issues:

   - LP: #1655049    Prevent IndexError in get_vendor_for_mac()
   - LP: #1654432    Unable to deploy ga kernel on node-details page
   - LP: #1654450    MAAS shouldn't show newer kernels when edge kernels
   are added
   - LP: #1654412    Unable to set edge kernel as the min_hwe_kernel and
   deploy with the default kernel
   - LP: #1656425    Ephemeral environments using the wrong kernel
   - LP: #1655721    MAAS shouldn't update TGT config when there are no
   boot sources
   - LP: #1659511    Fix incorrect clearing of boot resource cache if an
   IOError occurs.
   - LP: #1659607    Usability fixes for interfaces API link-subnet
   - LP: #1640147    Do not attempt IPv6 discovery on interfaces where IPv6
   is disabled
   - LP: #1626654    Make connection attempts from rack to region
   controllers more reliable
   - LP: #1626654    Fix reports of bad connections when dead regiond
   workers remain in the database
   - LP: #1645912    Fix IPMI autodetection to wrap IPv6 addresses in
   brackers when used inside URLs
   - LP: #1665459    Fix anonymous auto-enlistment to properly detect
   rack-facing region IP address
   - LP: #1665143    Select the shortest by-id path when discovering block
   devices to address issues when discovering nvme devices.

*Availability for Xenial Users*
MAAS 2.1.4 has been made available in:

   - *ppa:*maas*/stable*

NOTE: MAAS 2.1.4 will soon be SRU'd into Ubuntu Xenial & Yakkety.

*Filing bugs*
Users can file bugs in [1], please use a prefix for the subject, such as [


Andres Rodriguez
Engineering Manager, MAAS
Canonical USA, Inc.
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