MAAS Deployment KO with bonding

Flint WALRUS gael.therond at
Tue Aug 22 09:03:43 UTC 2017

@Lian, no it's not, indeed, when you create a full bonded configuration,
your bond device will not have any tag/vlan/subnet, this will let you get
your switch to naturally redirect the traffic to its native VLAN which will
then tag the packets and eventually relay the DHCP traffic to your MAAS PXE
Server if you configured correctly your DHCP Relay next server (If you do
not want to do so, just basically put your maas PXE interface into the
native VLAN, even if that is not a good idea with production payloads).

@Mike, OK, I've finally found out what's going on here.

When booting a Ubuntu using full Bonding with VLAN LACP port channel, the
issue is:
If the bonding is configured to use DHCP or any other strategy to retrieve
its IP and do not receive any, it shut the vlan and so the bond interface
which will disable the NICs as they're handled by the bond (manual state).

I've used a reserved range into the ADM VLAN and specify MAAS that this
range is not managed by it. On the node part, I've used the auto assign
mode instead of the DHCP mode and then MAAS attributed one of the reserved
IP and everything was working smoothly.

So, my case is now close.

Thanks everybody for your help!

Le mar. 22 août 2017 à 02:04, Thawngzapum Lian <tlian at> a
écrit :

> Hi Flint,
> Looked like none of the NICs of those servers were connected to PXE vlan.
> Shouldn't that be the very requirement in the first place?
> Regards,
> L
> On Mon, Aug 21, 2017 at 2:47 PM, Mike Pontillo <
> mike.pontillo at> wrote:
>> On Mon, Aug 21, 2017 at 7:42 AM, Flint WALRUS <gael.therond at>
>>  wrote:
>>> Unfortunately, I'm unable to complete the deploy process because once
>>> the server is install and boot bonds interfaces are created but it hang out
>>> with the error: *a start job is running for raise network interfaces.*
>>> Once the 5 mins countdown finish the cloud-init script fail with the
>>> following error message: *Didn't find any datasource,
>>> DataSourceNotFoundException.*
>>> At this point I'm unable to know if this error is caused by the network
>>> issue or if the network issue is caused by the node not able to contact the
>>> MAAS Metadata.
>> What version of MAAS do you have installed? (See "apt-cache policy maas"
>> and "apt-cache policy curtin".) Which Ubuntu image are you trying to deploy?
>> I've seen this kind of issue occur if the bond cannot be fully brought
>> online for some reason, such as one of the links is down. So I would
>> double-check that (and check the MAC addresses of each interface in the
>> bond to ensure the interface names match what you expect).
>> To narrow down the issue, I would browse to the machine in the MAAS UI
>> and click on "00-maas-00-support-info" on the "Commissioning" tab. Search
>> for "metadata_url" in the output and check if the URL is going to be
>> reachable after the machine comes up with its given network configuration.
>> For troubleshooting, the contents of the "Installation" tab will also help,
>> and the output of "maas <session> machine get-curtin-config <system-id>"
>> from the command-line.
>> Then I would remove some of the network configuration in MAAS a little at
>> a time to see which setting causes the problem. For example, it might be
>> worth trying to configure the node with the 1 Gbps interface being the only
>> one that is brought online when the machine is deployed. You could
>> configure the bonds without any VLANs and check if it works. Then try
>> configuring the bonds with the VLANs, but without any IP address
>> assignment, and check if the deployment is successful.
>> Regards,
>> Mike
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> Thawngzapum "Lian"
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