MAAS 2.2.2 Released!

Andres Rodriguez andres.rodriguez at
Fri Aug 4 21:16:37 UTC 2017

The MAAS team is happy to announce that MAAS 2.2.2 has now been released!

MAAS 2.2.2 is currently available in PPA and in the Ubuntu Archive, in the
Proposed pocket. Users using PPA's can obtain MAAS from:


For Ubuntu Archive users, MAAS 2.2.2 will be available in proposed for a
week until it gets promoted to the Updates pocket.

*Bugs fixed in this release:*

#1704489    [2.2] Duplicate communication is occurring to the same rack
#1705508    [2.2] rackd is not refreshing its commissioning information
#1609496    Better power management support for BMC's that don't properly
support --cycle --on-if-off
#1651165    Unable to change disk name using maas gui
#1699864    [2.3 UI] Check all box in Nodes listing page does not select
all nodes
#1700802    [2.x] maas cli allocate interfaces=<label>:ip=<ADDRESS> errors
with Unknown interfaces constraint
#1701052    [2.3, UI] As a normal user, Nodes listing shows controllers tab
(0 controllers)
#1701056    [2.3, UI] As a normal user, device details page shows incorrect
#1701694    [2.2, 2.3, API] Adding a CentOS image via CLI doesn't
categorize it correctly
#1702690    [2.2] Commissioning a machine prefers minimum kernel over
commissioning global
#1703403    regiond workers can use too many postgres connections
#1703845    rackd should lower recheck interval on disconnect
#1705254    [2.2, 2.3] RegionService can raise unexpected exceptions for an
empty connection list
#1705792    [2.2, 2.3] MAAS doesn't filter out progress bars, spinners, and
counters from scripts making logs difficult to read
#1703713    [2.3] Devices don't have a link from the DNS page

Andres Rodriguez
Engineering Manager, MAAS
Canonical USA, Inc.
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