[Maas-devel] MAAS 2.1.0 Alpha 2 Released!

Andres Rodriguez andres.rodriguez at canonical.com
Mon Sep 5 17:20:51 UTC 2016

I'm happy to annouce that MAAS 2.1.0 Alpha 2 has been released.

MAAS 2.1.0 Alpha 2 has been made available in:


*Filing bugs*
Users can file bugs in [1], please use a prefix for the subject, such as [

[1] https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas/+filebug

*Release Notes*

2.1.0 Alpha 2
Important Announcements


   commissioning-user-data and pxe/uefi templates no longer available

In the past, MAAS stored commissioning-user-data and pxe/uefi templates in
/etc/maas/templates. As of MAAS 2.1.0 Alpha 2, these templates are no
longer available under /etc/maas.
Major new features


   (Backend) Device Discovery

As of MAAS 2.1.0 Alpha 2, MAAS will automatically listen to the network and
report any observed devices.


      New discovery API can be used to get information about what MAAS has
      discovered. This API can be used from the command line interface
as follows:

         maas <profile> discoveries read - Lists all MAC, IP bindings
         (discoveries) that MAAS has seen, and attempts to correlate those
         discoveries with hostnames advertised by mDNS.

         maas <profile> discoveries by-unknown-mac - Lists all discoveries,
         but filters out discoveries where the MAC belongs to an
interface known to

         maas <profile> discoveries by-unknown-ip - Lists all discoveries,
         but filters out discoveries where the IP address is known to
MAAS (such as
         reserved by a user, or assigned to a node).

         maas <profile> discoveries by-unknown-ip-and-mac - Lists all
         discoveries, but applies the filters for both unknown MACs
and unknown IP

      Note that the discovery API is currently read-only. It brings
      together data from several different sources, including observed network
      neighbours, resolved mDNS hostnames, and controller interface information.

      New maas-rack commands have been added, which are called internally
      by MAAS in order to gather information about observed devices on the
      network. MAAS administrators should not normally need to use
these commands
      (although they could be helpful for supportability).

         maas-rack observe-mdns [--verbose]

         sudo maas-rack observe-arp <interface> [--verbose]

      Note: this feature intentionally does not place any network devices
      into “promiscuous mode”, or actively probe. MAAS controllers
listen to ARP
      traffic they would have received anyway. Therefore, if a MAAS admin wants
      to keep MAAS’s knowledge of the network up-to-date, a command such as one
      of the following could be run periodically (such as from a script invoked
      by a crontab); MAAS will listen to any ARP replies and update
its knowledge
      of the network:

         To actively probe one or more subnet CIDRs on an interface:

            sudo nmap -e <interface> -sn -n -oX - -PR <cidr> [cidr2] [...]

         To actively probe for a single IP address from a particular
         interface (regardless of whether or not the IP address is
routable on-link
         on that interface):

            ping -r -I <interface> <ip-address> -c 3 -w 1 -i 0.2 -D -O

      MAAS now depends on the avahi-utils and tcpdump packages in order to
      provide this functionality. (Before MAAS 2.1.0 is released, the MAAS team
      will consider making these optional dependencies, in case MAAS
      administrators do not want to run the avahi daemon, or require
that tcpdump
      not be installed.)

Bugs fixed


   Bug #1617596 <http://launchpad.net/bugs/1617596>: [2.1] Rack(relay)
   Controller is rejected after upgrade to 2.1

      Fixes a regression regarding registering rack controllers which have
      bonds interfaces which are not currently bonding any interfaces.

   Bug #1615618 <http://launchpad.net/bugs/1615618>: [2.1] 'SERVICE_STATE'
   object has no attribute 'getStatusInfo'

      Fixes a regression in the service tracking mechanism, where it would
      fail to successfully track the status of some services.

Other notable changes

   - *WebUI - Better error surfacing for DHCP snippets and Package
   Repositories *Both the DHCP Snippets Section and the Package
   Repositories section have now been improvement and will surface better

Ongoing work


   First User Journery - WebUI

   Device Discovery - WebUI

   Improved IPv6 Support

   MAAS Services - NTP

   MAAS Image Consolidation

   Support for HWE Rolling Kernels

Known issues and workarounds


   Configuring APT key’s in ephemeral environment (overlayfs) fails.


Andres Rodriguez
Engineering Manager, MAAS
Canonical USA, Inc.
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