Regarding juju Storage - using MAAS as cloud provider

Matt Bruzek matthew.bruzek at
Wed Oct 19 15:53:54 UTC 2016


There are some documentation about creating storage on MAAS here:

Using this document you should be able to create block devices in MAAS that
you can later use in Juju.

The Juju storage documentation can be found here:

As an example, once you have your MAAS storage created and tagged, you
could create a storage pool in Juju like this:

juju create-storage-pool mypool maas tags=<maas-tag>

And then you could add a storage constraint to deploy your charm like this:

juju deploy <charm> --storage disks=mypool,1G

I have not tried MAAS storage with Juju so you may need some additional
commands. If anyone else has examples of combining MAAS storage with Juju
please reply here to let us know. Thanks!

   - Matt Bruzek <matthew.bruzek at>

On Tue, Oct 18, 2016 at 11:29 AM, Shilpa Kaul <shilkaul at> wrote:

> Hi Matt/Kevin,
> We have a charm called as Spectrum Scale (previously called as gpfs) which
> is making use of Juju Storage feature. I have tested this on AWS, making
> use of ebs as storage option. When I deploy the charm say  "*juju deploy
> ibm-spectrum-scale-manager --storage disks=ebs,1G*", I am able to get
> block storage disks. My charm uses this disk and then creates a file sytem
> on top of that.
> I am able to test this on AWS, but now we have got a scenario where we
> have to deploy the charm on physical servers or VM's. We have configured
> MAAS for VM's and are able to deploy a sample charm as well using MAAS as
> cloud provider, but I am not sure how to make use of juju storage options
> incase of MAAS. Can you please provide us with any contact who can help us
> in making use of storage option with MAAS as cloud provider.
> Thanks and Regards,
> Shilpa Kaul
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