[Maas-devel] New Year, New MAAS - MAAS 1.9.0 Released
Mark Shuttleworth
mark at ubuntu.com
Tue Jan 5 17:18:06 UTC 2016
So much new, so much fix-released!
Happy 2016 everybody and thanks to the MAAS team for getting us off to
such a quick start.
On 05/01/16 16:56, Andres Rodriguez wrote:
> I'm happy to announce that MAAS 1.9.0 has now been released. For more
> information about 1.9.0 please refer to the release notes below.
> *Availability*
> MAAS 1.9.0 is available in:
> *ppa:maas/proposed*
> MAAS 1.9.0 will replace MAAS 1.8 series in after a maximum of a 2 week
> period in:
> *ppa:maas/stable*
> *Filing bugs*
> Users can file bugs in [1], please use a prefix for the subject such as
> [1.9.0].
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas/+filebug
> Release Notes
> Important announcements
> -
> New Networking Concepts and API's: Fabrics, Spaces and Subnets
> With the introduction of new MAAS networking concepts, new API's are also
> been introduced. These are:
> - fabrics
> - spaces
> - subnets
> - vlans
> - fan-networks
> MAAS 1.9.0 will continue to provide backwards compatibility with the old
> network API for reading purposes, but moving forward, users are required to
> use the new API to manipulate fabrics, spaces and subnets.
> -
> Advanced Network and Storage Configuration only available for Ubuntu
> deployments
> Users can now perform advanced network and storage configurations for nodes
> before deployment. The advanced configuration is only available for Ubuntu
> deployments. All other deployments using third party OS', including CentOS,
> RHEL, Windows and Custom Images, won't result in such configuration.
> -
> Re-commissioning required for upgraded MAAS’
> Now that storage partitioning and advanced configuration is supported
> natively, VM nodes in MAAS need to be re-commissioned.
> - If upgrading from MAAS 1.8, only VM nodes with VirtIO storage devices
> need to be re-commissioned.
> - If upgrading from MAAS 1.7, all nodes will need to be
> re-commissioned in order for MAAS to correctly capture the storage and
> networking devices.
> This does not affect nodes that are currently deployed.
> -
> Default Storage Partitioning Layout - Flat
> With the introduction of custom storage, MAAS has also introduced the
> concept of partitioning layouts. Partitioning layouts allow the user to
> quickly auto-configure the disk partitioning scheme after first
> commissioning or re-commissioning (if selected to do so). The partitioning
> layouts are set globally on the Settings page.
> The current default Partitioning layout is Flat, maintaining backwards
> compatibility with previous MAAS releases. This means MAAS will take the
> first disk it finds in the system and use it as the root and boot disk.
> -
> Deployment with configured /etc/network/interfaces
> Starting with MAAS 1.9, all node deployments will result in writing
> /etc/network/interfaces statically, by default. This increases MAAS'
> robustness and reliability as users no longer have to depend on DHCP for IP
> address allocation solely.
> MAAS will continue to provide IP addresses via DHCP, even though interfaces
> in /etc/network/interfaces may have been configured statically.
> Major new features
> -
> Storage Partitioning and Advanced Configuration
> MAAS now supports Storage Partitioning and Advanced Configuration natively.
> This allows MAAS to deploy machines with different Storage Layouts, as well
> as different complex partitioning configurations. Storage support includes:
> - LVM
> - Bcache
> - Software RAID levels 0, 1, 5, 6, 10.
> - Advanced partitioning
> Storage configuration is available both via the WebUI and API. For more
> information refer to http://maas.ubuntu.com/docs1.9/storage.html.
> -
> Advanced Networking (Fabrics, Spaces, Subnetworks) and Node Network
> Configuration
> MAAS now supports Advanced Network configuration, allowing users to not
> only perform advanced node network configuration, but also allowing users
> to declare and map their infrastructure in the form of Fabrics, VLANs,
> Spaces and Subnets.
> Fabrics, Spaces, Subnets and Fan networks
> MAAS now supports the concept of Fabrics, Spaces, Subnets and FANS, which
> introduce a whole new way of declaring and mapping your network and
> infrastructure in MAAS.
> The MAAS WebUI allows users to view all the declared Fabrics, Spaces, VLANs
> inside fabrics and Subnets inside Spaces. The WebUI does not yet support
> the ability to create new of these, but the API does.
> These new concepts replace the old Network concepts from MAAS' earlier
> versions.
> For more information about the API, please refer to
> http://maas.ubuntu.com/docs1.9/api.html.
> Advanced Node Networking Configuration
> MAAS can now perform the Node's networking configuration. Doing so, results
> in /etc/network/interfaces being written. Advanced
> configuration includes:
> - Assign subnets, fabrics, and IP to interfaces.
> - Create VLAN interfaces.
> - Create bond interfaces.
> - Change interface names.
> MAAS also allows configuration of node interfaces in different modes:
> - Auto Assign - Node interface will be configured statically and MAAS
> will auto assign an IP address.
> - DHCP - The node interface will be configured to DHCP.
> - Static - The user will be able to specify what IP address the
> interface will obtain, while MAAS will configure it statically.
> - Unconfigured - MAAS will leave the interface with LINK UP.
> For more information, please refer to
> http://maas.ubuntu.com/docs1.9/networking.html.
> -
> Curtin & cloud-init status updates
> Starting from MAAS 1.9.0, curtin and cloud-init will now send messages to
> MAAS providing information regarding various of the actions being taken.
> This information will be displayed in MAAS in the Node Event Log.
> Note that this information is only available when using MAAS 1.9.0 and the
> latest version for curtin. For cloud-init messages this information is only
> available when deploying 15.10 + (Wily + ).
> -
> Fabric and subnet creation
> MAAS now auto-creates multiple fabrics per physical interface connected to
> the Cluster Controller, and will correctly create subnetworks under each
> fabric, as well as VLAN's, if any of the Cluster Controller interface is a
> VLAN interface.
> -
> HWE Kernels
> MAAS now has a different approach to deploying Hardware Enablement Kernels.
> Start from MAAS 1.9, the HWE kernels are no longer coupled to
> sub-architectures of a machine. For each Ubuntu release, users will be able
> to select any of the available HWE kernels for such release, as well as set
> the minimum kernel the machine will be deployed with by default.
> For more information, please refer to
> http://maas.ubuntu.com/docs1.9/hardware-enablement-kernels.html.
> -
> CentOS images can be imported automatically
> CentOS Image (CentOS 6 and 7) can now be imported automatically from the
> MAAS Images page. These images are currently part of the daily streams.
> In order to test this images, you need to use the daily image stream. This
> can be changed in the Settings page under Boot Images to
> http://maas.ubuntu.com/images/ephemeral-v2/daily/. Once changed, images can
> be imported from the MAAS Images page. The CentOS image will be published
> in the Releases stream shortly.
> Minor notable changes
> -
> Minimal Config Files for Daemons
> Starting from MAAS 1.9, minimal configuration files have been introduced
> for both, the MAAS Region Controller and the MAAS Cluster Controller
> daemons.
> - The Region Controller (maas-regiond) has now dropped the usage of
> /etc/maas/maas_local_settings.py in favor of /etc/maas/regiond.conf.
> Available configuration options are now database_host, database_name,
> database_user, database_pass, maas_url. MAAS will attempt to migrate
> any configuration on upgrade, otherwise it will use sane defaults.
> - The Cluster Controller (maas-clusterd) has now dropped the usage of
> /etc/maas/pserv.yaml and /etc/maas/maas_cluster.conf in favor of
> /etc/maas/clusterd.conf. Available configuration options are now
> maas_url and cluster_uuid only. MAAS will attempt to migrate any
> configuration on upgrade, otherwise it will use sane defaults.
> -
> Commissioning Actions
> MAAS now supports commissioning actions. These allow the user to specify
> how commissioning should behave in certain scenarios. The commissioning
> actions available are:
> - Enable SSH during commissioning & Keep machine ON after commissioning
> - Keep network configuration after commissioning
> - Keep storage configuration after commissioning
> -
> Warn users about missing power control tools
> MAAS now warns users about the missing power control tools. Each MAAS power
> driver use a set of power tools that may or may not be installed by
> default. If these power tools are missing from the system, MAAS will warn
> users.
> -
> Python Power Drivers
> Starting from MAAS 1.9, MAAS is moving away from using shell scripts
> templates for Power Drivers. These are being migrated to MAAS' internal
> control as power drivers. Currently supported are APC, MSCM, MSFT OCS,
> SM15k, UCSM, Virsh, VMWare and IPMI.
> Remaining Power Drivers include AMT, Fence CDU's, Moonshot.
> Major bugs fixed in this release
> See https://launchpad.net/maas/+milestone/1.9.0 for details.
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