[Maas-devel] maas w/ virtual machines

John A Meinel john.meinel at canonical.com
Wed Oct 28 06:27:09 UTC 2015

I've been using MAAS with virtual machines for a bit and I had a few notes
of feedback I wanted to give.

   1. The only bit that is actually a problem is that I have random
   failures where "virsh failed to login". Whether it is powering on or off
   the node, it just sometimes fails. And if I manage to get it to try again,
   it works (it also sometimes works first time). I can get logs if that would
   help. Any thoughts on why it may or may not work?
   2. MAAS has awareness of "virsh" power management, but doesn't install
   libvirtbin itself. And AFAICT no way to set it up via the web interface.
   Maybe it can't because of not having a way to elevate privileges on the
   machine, but a little more guidance/UI help for what it needs would be nice.
   3. Similarly, it is quite a few manual steps to create an SSH credential
   and get it threaded through to the right places. It feels very much like
   something that could be done as a wizard, having MAAS on the machine,
   getting the right binaries installed, getting the ssh key generated, etc.
   4. Its a little clumsy to start a node, then click through to get to set
   the "power settings" to VIRSH and copy the same virsh string and set the
   new name of the machine. It feels like something where MAAS could be aware
   of a VIRSH system, rather than treating each machine that is started

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