[Maas-devel] MAAS 1.7.1 Final Released
Andres Rodriguez
andres.rodriguez at canonical.com
Fri Jan 30 12:41:22 UTC 2015
Dear All,
I'm happy to announce that MAAS 1.7.1 has been released. No new bugfixes
are being released in 1.7.1 since the release of 1.7.1 RC5.
For the next 24hrs (at least), 1.7.1 Final Release will remain in:
After this time, 1.7.1 will replace 1.7.0 in:
Release notes are available at:
Or read on:
MAAS 1.7.1 Final Release Notes
Minor feature improvementsNew CentOS Release support.
Further to the work done in the 1.7.0 MAAS Release, MAAS now supports
uploading various versions of CentOS. Previously MAAS would only officially
support 6.5.
Power Monitoring for Seamicro 15000, Cisco UCS and HP Moonshot Chassis
Further the work done in the 1.7.0 MAAS release, it now supports power
query and monitoring for the Seamicro 15000 Chassis, the Cisco UCS Chassis
Manager and the HP Moonshot Chassis Manager.
Node Listing Page and Node Event Log live refresh
The Node Listing page and the Node Event Log now have live refresh every 10
seconds. This allows MAAS to display the latest node status and events
without forcing a browser refresh.
IP Address Reservation
The static IP address reservation API now has an optional "mac" parameter.
Specifying a MAC address here will link the new static IP to that MAC
address. A DHCP host map will be created for the MAC address. No other IPs
may be reserved for that MAC address until the current one is released.
Bug Fixes
For full details see https://launchpad.net/maas/+milestone/1.7.1
#1330765 If start_nodes() fails, it doesn't clean up after itself.
#1373261 pserv.yaml rewrite breaks when previous generator URL uses IPv6
#1386432 After update to the latest curtin that changes the log to
install.log MAAS show's two installation logs
#1386488 If rndc fails, you get an Internal Server Error page
#1386502 No "failed" transition from "new"
#1386914 twisted Unhandled Error when region can't reach upstream boot
#1391139 Tagged VLAN on aliased NIC breaks migration 0099
#1391161 Failure: twisted.internet.error.ConnectionDone: Connection was
closed cleanly.
#1391411 metadata API signal() is releasing host maps at the end of
#1391897 Network names with dots cause internal server error when on
node pages
#1394382 maas does not know about VM "paused" state
#1396308 Removing managed interface causes maas to delete nodes
#1397356 Disk Wiping fails if installation is not Ubuntu
#1398405 MAAS UI reports storage size in Gibibytes (base 2) but is
labeled GB - Gigabytes (base 10).
#1399331 MAAS leaking sensitive information in ps ax output
#1400849 Check Power State disappears after upgrade to 1.7 bzr 3312
#1401241 custom dd-tgz format images looked for in wrong path, so they
don't work
#1401983 Exception: deadlock detected
#1403609 can not enlist chassis with maas admin node-group
#1283106 MAAS allows the same subnet to be defined on two managed
interfaces of the same cluster
#1303925 commissioning fails silently if a node can't reach the region
#1357073 power state changes are not reflected quickly enough in the UI
#1360280 boot-source-selections api allows adding bogus and duplicated
#1368400 Can't power off nodes that are in Ready state but on
#1370897 The node power monitoring service does not check nodes in
#1376024 gpg --batch [...]` error caused by race in
#1376716 AMT NUC stuck at boot prompt instead of powering down (no ACPI
support in syslinux poweroff)
#1378835 Config does not have a unique index on name
#1379370 Consider removing transaction in claim_static_ip_addresses().
#1379556 Panicky log warning that is irrelevant
#1381444 Misleading error message in log "Unknown power_type 'sm15k'"
#1382166 Message disclosing image import necessary visible while not
logged in
#1382237 UnicodeEncodeError when unable to create host maps
#1383231 Error message when trying to reserve the same static IP twice
is unhelpful
#1383237 Error message trying to reserve an IP address when no static
range is defined is misleading
#1384424 Seamicro Machines do not have Power Status Tracking
#1384428 HP Moonshot Chassis Manager lacks power status monitoring
#1384924 need to provide a better upgrade message for images on the
cluster but not on the region
#1386517 DHCP leases are not released at the end of commissioning and
possibly enlistment
#1387239 MAAS does not provide an API for reserving a static IP for a
given MAC address
#1387414 Race when registering new event type
#1388033 Trying to reserve a static IP when no more IPs are available
results in 503 Service Unavailable with no error text
#1389602 Inconsistent behavior in the checks to delete a node
#1389733 node listing does not update the status and power of nodes
#1390144 Node 'releasing' should have a timeout
#1391193 API error documentation
#1391421 Names of custom boot-resources not visible in the web UI
#1391891 Spurious test failure:
#1393423 PowerKVM / VIrsh import should allow you to specify a prefix to
filter VM's to import
#1393953 dd-format images fail to deploy
#1400909 Networks are being autocreated like eth0-eth0 instead of
#1401349 Memory size changes to incorrect size when page is refreshed
#1402237 Node event log queries are slow (over 1 second)
#1402243 Nodes in 'Broken' state are being power queried constantly
#1402736 clicking on zone link from node page - requested URL was not
found on this server
#1403043 Wrong top-level tab is selected when viewing a node
#1381609 Misleading log message when a node has a MAC address not
attached to a cluster interface
#1386909 Misleading Error: Unable to identify boot image for
(ubuntu/amd64/generic/trusty/local): cluster 'maas' does not have matching
boot image.
#1388373 Fresh image import of 3 archs displaying multiple rows for
armhf and amd64
#1398159 TFTP into MAAS server to get pxelinux.0 causes unhandled error
#1383651 Node.start() and Node.stop() raise MulltipleFailures
#1383668 null" when releasing an IP address is confusing
#1389416 Power querying for UCSM not working
#1399676 UX bug: mac address on the nodes page should be the MAC address
it pxe booted from
#1399736 MAAS should display memory sizes in properly labeld base 2
units - MiB, GiB, etc.
#1401643 Documentation has wrong pattern for user provided preseeds
#1401707 Slow web performance (5+ minute response time) on MAAS with
many nodes
#1403609 Fix MSCM chassis enlistment.
#1409952 Correctly parse MAC Address for Power8 VM enlistment.
#1409852 Do not fail when trying to perform an IP Address Reservation.
#1413030 OS and Release no longer populate on Add Node page
#1414036 Trying to add an empty network crashes (AddrFormatError)
Andres Rodriguez
Engineering Manager, HWE Team
Canonical USA, Inc.
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