[Maas-devel] Customized images for deployment

Christian Robottom Reis kiko at canonical.com
Sun Dec 6 17:19:17 UTC 2015

On Sun, Dec 06, 2015 at 08:16:27PM +0300, Stas Kozlov wrote:
> Hello
> I want to customize deployment scripts, but did not find any information
> how to do that. The aim is to install a few more packages and create
> several users. Sure one of solutions is make a customized image, but that
> is not exactly what I'm looking for.

Does the answer at


address your question, or is there more that you are looking for?
Christian Robottom Reis   | [+1] 612 888 4935    | http://launchpad.net/~kiko
Canonical VP Hyperscale   | [+55 16] 9 9112 6430

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