[Maas-devel] State of 1.7 trunk

Christian Reis kiko at canonical.com
Sat Oct 11 00:49:17 UTC 2014

Hello there,

    I tested today a trunk-based package (pulling in all the features in
the queue currently proposed) and ran into the same problem Jeff
reported in:


To be clear, in my case the cluster isn't able to connect to the region
at all. This error blocks me from any further testing as I haven't yet
been able to get the cluster to connect. If anyone can look into this
then I'll be able to progress with further testing over the weekend.

Andres and I have agreed to hold 1.7.0 for


and once that is merged the plan is to branch for the 1.7 release and
drop all remaining issues that are not strictly regressions in order to
converge for the final release.

Finally, there is an upgrade issue with bootresources that has shown up
in Jeff's testing:


That needs to be retested from a 1.5 straight to 1.7 upgrade to ensure
we didn't just run into mid-release breakage. If someone can work with
Jeff on that ASAP I'd appreciate it.

Christian Robottom Reis   | [+1] 612 888 4935    | http://launchpad.net/~kiko
Canonical VP Hyperscale   | [+55 16] 9 9112 6430 | http://async.com.br/~kiko

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