[Maas-devel] State of RPC registration and security

Gavin Panella gavin.panella at canonical.com
Wed Oct 8 22:52:38 UTC 2014

I have spent far too much time today understanding Django's support
for transactions, especially with regards to tests, e.g. Django's
TransactionTestCase runs tests with auto-commit by default (filed as
bug 1379027).

I am a bitter man this evening, but I've broken the back of this
problem. Authentication now works between region and cluster in both
directions, and all tests pass. I need to write a few more tests then
that branch will go up for review in the morning. I've extracted 3
branches from today's work that are already up for review.

After that is the cluster calling Register on the region as part of
the mutual handshake. Most of the supporting code for that is done so
I'm hoping for a more sensible day tomorrow.

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