[Maas-devel] partman does not work correctly

boyd yang boyd.yang at gmail.com
Fri May 9 08:35:27 UTC 2014

Parted show that the swap partition use all the left free space on the
disk, but I only want to use 64G for swap.

Number  Start   End     Size    File system     Name  Flags

 1      1049kB  537MB   536MB   fat32                 boot

 2      537MB   132GB   131GB   ext4

 3      132GB   4001GB  3869GB  linux-swap(v1)

Here in the pressed

# Partitioning
d-i     partman/early_command string debconf-set partman-auto/disk
`list-devices disk | head -n1`
d-i     partman-iscsi/mainmenu string finish
d-i     partman-auto/method string regular
d-i     partman-lvm/device_remove_lvm boolean true
d-i     partman-lvm/confirm boolean true
d-i     partman-md/device_remove_md boolean true
d-i     partman-auto/expert_recipe string                         \
          boot-root ::                                            \
              537 537 537 fat32                                  \
                      $primary{ } $bootable{ }                \
                      method{ efi } format{ }              \
              .                                               \
              131072 131072 131072 ext4                       \
                      method{ format } format{ }              \
                      use_filesystem{ } filesystem{ ext4 }    \
                      mountpoint{ / }                         \
              .                                               \
              65536 65536 65536 linux-swap                          \
                      method{ swap } format{ }                \
d-i     partman-auto/choose_recipe boot-root
d-i     partman/confirm_write_new_label boolean true
d-i     partman/choose_partition        select Finish partitioning and
write changes to disk
d-i     partman/confirm boolean true
d-i     partman/confirm_nooverwrite boolean true
d-i     partman/default_filesystem string ext4

Here is the log:

parted_server: command_partition_info: partition found

parted_server: OUT: -1  131608870912-4000787013119      3869178142208
primary free    /dev/sda-1

parted_server: Closing infifo and outfifo

parted_server: main_loop: iteration 121

parted_server: Opening infifo

/bin/perform_recipe: IN: NEW_PARTITION =dev=sda primary linux-swap
131608870912-4000787013119 full 65536000001

parted_server: Read command: NEW_PARTITION

parted_server: command_new_partition()

parted_server: Note =dev=sda as changed

parted_server: Opening outfifo

parted_server: requested partition with type primary

parted_server: requested partition with file system linux-swap(v1)

parted_server: add_primary_partition(disk(7814037168),257048576-7814037134)

parted_server: OUT: OK

parted_server: OUT: 3   131608870912-4000786153471      3869177282560
primary linux-swap      /dev/sda3
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