[Maas-devel] Are nodes aware of MAAS?

Jeffrey Lane jeffrey.lane at canonical.com
Wed Jul 9 21:46:55 UTC 2014

Sorry for the email, but I think most/all of the MAAS devs are EOD by now.

I was just wondering if there is any way nodes are aware or can be
made aware of the MAAS server?

What I'm trying to is figure out a way that a node can know that it
was deployed from MAAS, and what version of MAAS was used.  Is there
some sort of API that the node can talk to MAAS to get version info

Would it be possible to somehow inject this data into the node via the
curtin_userdata file (or d-i preseed)) at deployment time?

The reason is that for certification, we record the version of MAAS
used to deploy the SUT.  This is captured mostly for support purposes,
so that if Server A is certified and a customer reports an issue down
the road like "MAAS doesn't see my ServerA", we can look at the
certificate and say "Well, it was working as of version
1.5.blahblahblah, so something has regressed since then".



"Entropy isn't what it used to be."

Jeff Lane - Server Certification Team Lead, Tools Developer, Warrior
Poet, Lover of Pie
Phone: 919-442-8649
Ubuntu Ham: W4KDH                          Freenode IRC: bladernr or bladernr_
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