[Maas-devel] xml-to-yaml

Carla Berkers carla.berkers at canonical.com
Thu Aug 28 18:38:58 UTC 2014

Hi Newell,

I think the easiest and safest solution is to follow our guidelines, I hope
the attached wireframe will help.
I have included some examples as well with CSS you can use - hopefully that
will help make implementation easier!

Recommendations for attachment 01 - "node details" page:
- We always put code in Ubuntu mono font in a box with a light background
example: https://design.ubuntu.com/web-style-guide/component

- We have guidelines for tabbed content too. The tabs should be on the left
(bold for the selected tab) and the code can be displayed on the right.
Example: "join one of our teams" section on this page:

- "Discovery data" and "Commissioning output" are related and shouldn't be
separated on the Node details page.
I have added a "Full commissioning output" link (in orange) under the YAML
and XML tabs, this should link to the "Commissioning results list"-page

- In terms of showing/hiding the discovery data I think the quickest
solution is to add a show / hide button on the left.
Note: If the "Commissioning output" is displayed before the "Event Log" the
discovery data should be hidden by default, because it would push any
content behind it 10000 pixels down the page and users are unlikely to
scroll that far. If a user clicks the "show" button on the right it should
display the discovery YAML (as this is easiest to read) and the "show"
button should change into a "hide" button.

- Important to have:
At the moment it is very difficult to select all the data using the mouse.
If a user clicks within the code dif and then uses control+A, they should
select all content in the code div, rather than all content on the page.
This will make it much easier for users to copy and paste the data output.

- Nice to have: It would be really useful if the lines of code would be
numbered, for both YAML and XML. However, when a user selects the code the
numbers should obviously not be selected.
Example: https://github.com/fivethirtyeight/data/blob/master/.gitignore

Recommendations for the "commissioning output" page:
- The forth column ("Node") in this table is redundant, please remove this.
- It is not really clear that "OK" is a link and where it links to, so
please remove all links from the first column.
- If YAML and XML link to two separate pages, the user can't toggle between
the two.
Therefor please add "show data" links in the fourth column. These can link
to a page with two tabs using the same layout/styling as on the node
details page.

I hope this is useful, if you have any questions feel free to let me know!
Many thanks,

On Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 6:01 PM, Jeffrey Lane <jeff at canonical.com> wrote:

> Just to be clear, I didn't mean get rid of the raw XML, merely don't
> display it in favor of something easier to read... I think the XML is
> way too valuable to just remove and didn't mean it that way (if that's
> how you interpreted that).
> Out of curiosity, is the tag creation manual or auto (meaning does a
> user have to see the XML to create the tags, or is MAAS doing some
> parsing in the background to generate tags that the user can add some
> other way?
> On Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 11:19 AM, Andres Rodriguez
> <andres.rodriguez at canonical.com> wrote:
> > For the time being, I think it is a good idea to keep the raw results as
> > they are being used for tag creation. When we create tags we use Xpath to
> > navigate through the xml output. Once we decide to start using the YAML
> > output to do the tag creation filtering, we can get rid of the raw
> output.
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> >
> > On Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 11:05 AM, Newell Jensen
> > <newell.jensen at canonical.com> wrote:
> >>
> >> Jeff,
> >>
> >> Valid points.  Reason we were doing the tabs is because I was instructed
> >> to do it that way but I do agree with you that an another alternative
> could
> >> be to have it so you could just download it somehow.
> >> Andres, what are your thoughts on this?  Do you like having the tabs or
> do
> >> you you think a "Download Raw" link to download the xml would be more
> >> sufficient?
> >>
> >>
> >> On Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 6:53 AM, Jeffrey Lane <
> jeffrey.lane at canonical.com>
> >> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> On Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 8:58 AM, Andres Rodriguez
> >>> <andres.rodriguez at canonical.com> wrote:
> >>> > Instead of providing totally different pages for the commissioning
> >>> > results
> >>> > per node (xml_lshw, yaml_lshw), I'd suggest you provide just one page
> >>> > with
> >>> > Tabs to differentiate between the output type (Exactly the same way
> as
> >>> > in
> >>> > the Node View)
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> My only comment is a question about why show both at all?  Just IMO,
> >>> but as a user:
> >>> 1: I HATE having to read XML
> >>> 2: If XML is provided, how about just as a download option so I can
> >>> parse or feed it into whatever tool I have.
> >>> 3: Since you're already converting it to YAML, which is a good bit
> >>> easier to read, why also have an XML view of the same data?
> >>>
> >>> I guess the point to 3 is that, why provide two different views of the
> >>> exact same data, one that is a headache to read and one that is
> >>> slightly better/easier to read?
> >>>
> >>> IMO, As Andres said, a simple OK link to the results would be best,
> >>> but I'd change it so that instead of tabs, you simply displayed the
> >>> YAML converted data and provide a download button for either the YAML
> >>> or raw XML.
> >>>
> >>> Anyway, I don't have anything more useful than that to add, Andres had
> >>> some very good points.
> >>>
> >>> Perhaps one other question, since you're going to the trouble of
> >>> parsing the XML into YAML to make it readable, why not just parse it
> >>> the rest of the way and provide really readable output instead?  In
> >>> reality, you're really just swapping one markup language for another,
> >>> it's just that the new one happens to be more friendly to the eyes
> >>> than the original one.  But, that is just a curiosity point, and maybe
> >>> a suggestion for the next iteration of this output display, once they
> >>> YAML bits are solidified and merged.
> >>>
> >>> Either way, looks like a great start!
> >>>
> >>> Jeff
> >>>
> >>> --
> >>> "Entropy isn't what it used to be."
> >>>
> >>> Jeff Lane - Server Certification Team Lead, Tools Developer, Warrior
> >>> Poet, Lover of Pie
> >>> Phone: 919-442-8649
> >>> Ubuntu Ham: W4KDH                          Freenode IRC: bladernr or
> >>> bladernr_
> >>> gpg: 1024D/3A14B2DD 8C88 B076 0DD7 B404 1417  C466 4ABD 3635 3A14 B2DD
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Andres Rodriguez
> > Engineering Manager, HWE Team
> > Canonical USA, Inc.
> --
> Jeff Lane - Server Certification Team Lead, Tools Developer, Warrior
> Poet, Lover of Pie
> Ubuntu Ham: W4KDH
> Freenode IRC: bladernr or bladernr_
> gpg: 1024D/3A14B2DD 8C88 B076 0DD7 B404 1417  C466 4ABD 3635 3A14 B2DD
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