[Maas-devel] raring support in MAAS

Raphaël Badin raphael.badin at canonical.com
Mon Feb 4 16:29:59 UTC 2013

On 02/04/2013 12:59 PM, Raphaël Badin wrote:
> Hi guys,
>      Raring support (I mean deploying raring images) was added recently
> in MAAS (trunk:
> https://code.launchpad.net/~andreserl/maas/raring_support and 1.2:
> https://code.launchpad.net/~andreserl/maas/maas-1.2-raring-support) and
> I think it broke the maas-import-pxe-files scripts because some
> resources are not present on ports.ubuntu.com and maas.ubuntu.com/images.
>      Could you please have a look at the 2 following bugs (and
> triage/reassign them appropriately):
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas/+bug/1115178
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas/+bug/1115175

Thanks for your comments on the bugs;  turns out the images for raring 
haven't been published yet.

I've updated the maas integration tests to remove the import of the 
raring images.  We will remove that hack when then images will be ready 
or when the import script will have been improved to deal with these 
failures more gracefully.



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