[Maas-devel] Jenkins Still Failing - maas-trunk 831

Julian Edwards julian.edwards at canonical.com
Mon Sep 24 04:27:01 UTC 2012

On Sunday 23 September 2012 13:13:27 Jenkins Notification wrote:
> maas-trunk - Build # 831 - Still Failing:
> Public Jenkins URL:  https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/maas-trunk/831 to
> view the results.
> Private Jenkins URL:

I think this is because it's using the buildout Piston instead of the system 

Gavin has a branch that fixes this:


and it tests fine locally for me.  I will land it now but it won't make any 
difference until someone runs "make install-dependencies" on the jenkins box.

Hey, Diogo! :)


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