[Maas-devel] Jenkins Still Failing - maas-trunk 755

Raphaël Badin raphael.badin at canonical.com
Tue Sep 4 06:13:04 UTC 2012

> This is failing because it's failing to contact pypi to download dependencies.
> I know this has been mentioned before but I think we need to start looking at
> managing a dependencies tarball or buildout cache.
> Any comments on this before I kick it off?

Having a shared buildout cache would definitely be a more permanent 
solution but this particular error is triggered by the fact that the 
version of python-mock referenced by MAAS is 1.0b1 and the one present 
in precise is 0.7.2.  Any reason why we decided to use a more recent 
version than the one in precise?  Because using the same version would 
have allowed us to simply install the package on the Jenkins box to 
avoid having the build try to download it every time.

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