[Maas-devel] maintaining a local mirror of maas ephemeral images

Scott Moser smoser at ubuntu.com
Mon Oct 1 14:17:55 UTC 2012

Hey all,
   I know that downloading the maas ephemeral images is a pain for testing
on re-installation.  since maas.ubuntu.com/images is only available over
https it can't even be easily cached in a proxy.

   I've put a little tool up at [1] called 'mirror-query' that basically
reads the /query information at https://maas.ubuntu.com/images/query and
mirrors it locally.  You can run a local web server and tell maas that
your ephemeral images come from there.

   For an example, I run the following via cron:
$ mirror-query --checksum https://maas.ubuntu.com/images \

   And serve out /archive/mirrors/maas-ephemeral from

   Then, I can tell maas to use *this* mirror instead of
maas.ubuntu.com/images by setting the following in

   maas-import-ephemerals (run from maas-import-isos or
maas-import-ephemerals) will then use the local mirror.


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