[Maas-devel] Testing of precise backport

Julian Edwards julian.edwards at canonical.com
Wed Nov 14 08:20:44 UTC 2012

On 14/11/12 07:49, Andres Rodriguez wrote:
> Julian,
>> I have backported to 1.3 a couple of features in the Django 1.4 package
>> that we use (GenericIPAddressField and prefetch_related) and uploaded a
>> new 1.3 package to the same PPA.  Andres, can you please review it?  It
>> seems to work ok for me, at least.
> I have reviewed it, seems to be ok. I have also made available a precise
> backport (in experimental PPA) with the latest of the lp:maas/1.2
> branch, which includes the stabilization changes. Other things available
> are python-txtftp, yui3, and django1.3  (note I made naming changes). 
> The packaging from precise is basically the same as the quantal
> packaging (that is if we separate python-tftftp and yui3 from MAAS
> source, as this is the plan).
> Now, please note that I'll be using the experimental PPA for
> Quantal/Precise to release new packages based on the stabilization for
> 12.10. Once we are certain these changes are stable and upgrades run
> smoothly, I'll be passing them to testing PPA. 
> Now, to test new upstream releases (from trunk), I'd very much like to
> only do so for raring for now. This way we can avoid having a new
> upstream version uploaded to Quantal/Precise, which will prevent us from
> using that PPA to upload previous versions based on the stabilization
> branches. However, this would only be necessary until the packages hit
> testing PPA. 
> Once they hit testing, I expect them to be there for final testing
> previous to requesting SRU's. Once I'm confident they are ready, we can
> continue the usage of Experimental PPA to backport new upstream releases
> for other pockets (Quantal/Precise).
> Thoughts?
> Cheers.

One more bug:
is left behind after I removed and re-installed maas.

Then you end up with this:
Syntax error on line 10 of /etc/apache2/conf.d/cobbler.conf:
Invalid command 'WSGIScriptAliasMatch', perhaps misspelled or defined by
a module not included in the server configuration
Action 'configtest' failed.
The Apache error log may have more information.
invoke-rc.d: initscript apache2, action "restart" failed.

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