[Maas-devel] Lifecycle of a node - documentation - 1st draft

Dan Harrop-Griffiths dan at canonical.com
Thu May 24 12:02:10 UTC 2012

On 24 May 2012 10:30, Jeroen Vermeulen <jtv at canonical.com> wrote:
> Separate note, so separate email.  From the lifecycle document:
> «Manually adding a node
> «You can also manually add a node, as an anonymous user (without being
> logged in to the MAAS). You can do this by booting up the ubuntu installer
> from the node itself, using the server CD or a USB stick.»
> Two things in software engineering are hard, they say: cache invalidation
> and naming things.  Is there some clearer term than “manual” for this?  It's
> hard to come up with terms that don't depend on one's point of view.  I
> could imagine the manual process losing its menial nature, e.g. if we choose
> implement the same process using network boots, so that a node would enlist
> itself after you just hook it up and turn it on.  Then suddenly, the Add
> Node procedure might be the one that looked “manual”!
> Terms like “local” and “remote” are also very sensitive to perspective… can
> you come up with something that nobody could misinterpret?

Hi Jeroen,

Thanks for this. I guess we could say 'by hand' - which is a bit
crude, but doesn't leave any room for interpretation. It makes it
clear that it's a physical human act.

> Jeroen

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