[Maas-devel] A few superficial tweaks

Julian Edwards julian.edwards at canonical.com
Wed May 23 02:40:06 UTC 2012

Hi Michael,

On Tuesday 22 May 2012 16:55:51 Michael Hughes wrote:
> I'm trying again to set up MAAS on VirtualBox using the installation
> ISO: ubuntu-12.04-server-amd64.iso. I chose to "create a new MAAS on
> this server."
> First observation: during installation, it announces: "You can access
> the MAAS user interface by going to the given URL: http://10..../MAAS"
> a little prematurely. I recommend changing the wording to suggest that
> 'when installation is complete, you will be able to..." because that
> link is not available at the time the message is displayed. Perhaps
> this seems really obvious, but I think it's worth being accurate.

Can you file a bug about that here please:

> 2nd.) When the system is installed, opening the above URL provides a
> message with a yellow background:
> "Some of the required system profiles are missing. Run the
> maas-import-isos script to import Ubuntu isos and create the related
> profiles:
> sudo maas-import-isos"
> However, even after running the above process and confirming that
> everything completed, that warning message remains. The message
> remained until I began commissioing nodes, at which point it was
> replaced with the "Commissioning Nodes" message. It should have gone
> away once maas-import-isos had completed - even if I needed to refresh
> the page to make it update - which it didn't.

And please file a bug about that here:

> 3rd.) After auto-commissioning nodes via PXE rather than adding them
> first through the GUI, the server experiences an: "Internal server
> error" when attempting to rename the machines at the same time as
> changing the power state from "----" to "virsh." If I change first the
> name, then save it and then change the power type then save it again,
> it finishes without error. [EDIT - This is not reproduceable - it only
> happened on the first of my six nodes.]
> -Mike

Do you have the server backtrace and the OOPS from that error?  If it's not 
reproducible we've got nothing else to go on.


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