[Maas-devel] Node states

Matthew Revell matthew.revell at canonical.com
Fri Feb 3 16:06:58 UTC 2012

On 3 February 2012 15:54, Julian Edwards <julian.edwards at canonical.com> wrote:
> On Friday 03 February 2012 14:54:26 Matthew Revell wrote:
>> The "Bad" states haven't really come up in conversation but they seem
>> to me to be necessary.
> I agree, I think BAD should be exapanded to MISSING and FAILED_TESTS though.

I can't think of another bad state that MaaS would know about, so
MISSING (or AWOL, if you prefer) and FAILED_TESTS cover the bad states
MaaS will know about.

That gives us:

 * DECLARED: MaaS is aware of the node and has assigned it a system
ID, but has done nothing else to it.
 * COMMISSIONING: testing and other commissioning steps are taking place.
 * FAILED_TESTS: smoke or burn-in testing has a found a problem.
 * MISSING: the MaaS can't contact the node.
 * READY: the node is in the general pool ready to be deployed.
 * RESERVED: the node is ready for named deployment.
 * ALLOCATED: the node is powering a service from a charm or is ready
for use with a fresh Ubuntu install.
 * RETIRED: The node has been removed from service manually until the
MaaS owner overrides the retirement.

Matthew Revell
Launchpad Product Manager


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