[ubuntu/lucid] bacula 5.0.1-1ubuntu1 (Accepted)

Chuck Short zulcss at ubuntu.com
Tue Mar 23 19:40:16 GMT 2010

bacula (5.0.1-1ubuntu1) lucid; urgency=low

  * Merge from debian testing.  Remaining changes:
    - Daemons listen on all interfaces. (LP: #286643)
    - Start daemons on installation
    - Drop mt-st to suggests. So that bacula goes back to main. (LP: #286528)
    - debian/rules: Disable fortify source since it was causing bacula-director
      to segfault.
    - debian/control:
      + Cleaned up bacula-director-pgsql dependencies and recommends.
      + Made mysql the default director to install bacula-director-{mysql|pgsql}.
   * Dropped:
     - Generate default passwords at install time, integrated upstream.
     - Added LSB support to init scripts, integrated upstream.

bacula (5.0.1-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release.  Closes: #572166.
  * Revert dbcheck.8 to exact upstream version.
  * Drop Debian patches that add indices to databases.  This is per the
    new upstream statement saying "we strongly recommend to avoid the
    temptation to add new indexes.  In general, these will cause very
    significant performance problems in other areas."
  * Reverted other Debian-specific patches to database update scripts
    that are no longer included in our packages.
  * Fix for MySQL and PostgreSQL postinst to correctly put catalog backup
    name in bacula-dir.conf.

bacula (5.0.0-6) unstable; urgency=low

  * Generate default passwords at install time instead of at build time.
    Closes: #365097.  Patch originated in Ubuntu; modified for Debian.
    Merged to Debian master at 8381602cfbecaea0ca8559100020f878af81a237.
  * Call rm -rf /var/{log,lib}/bacula on purge.  This patch was part of
    Ubuntu's set merged above.
  * Modified Ubuntu's password patch to use
    /etc/bacula/common_default_passwords instead of debconf per Debian
  * Added full LSB support to init scripts.  Patch originated in Ubuntu,
    and was merged with LSB status support already in Debian.
    Merged to Debian master at b3e2b4bc8dc1ad2a66b1e80c4cfa6176a15a062d.
  * Correct perms on new Sqlite3 database so it's owned by bacula:bacula.
  * Correct Sqlite3 postinst to handle paths of DBNAME correctly.

bacula (5.0.0-5) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Fix bashism in scripts/disk-changer.in.  Closes: #530049.
  * Correct MySQL index patch to avoid syntax error on install.
    Closes: #569535.
  * Corrected MySQL upgrade issue by adding a shell script to determine
    whether to remove Stripe column from JobMedia table.  This would have
    caused upgrade to crash for people that had upgraded all the way from
    the 1.x days.
    Closes: #569285.
  * Patch from Petr Salinger to disable ACLs on kfreebsd-* archs.
    This corrects a FTBFS and Closes: #570890.
  * Correct saving password to bacula-dir.conf on new install
    with MySQL or PostgreSQL flavor.  Closes: #538824.
  * Added make_catalog_backup.pl script to *-director debs.

bacula (5.0.0-4) unstable; urgency=low

  * Corrected fail to install bug: after removing /var/run from the package
    in 5.0.0-3, needed to also remove reference to it in
    bacula-common.postinst.  Closes: #569288, #569298, #569305, #569326.

bacula (5.0.0-3) unstable; urgency=low

  * Added MySQL indices to match PostgreSQL ones.  Closes: #563899.
  * Copy slight spelling tweak to debian/copyright.
  * Remove bad patch that caused double-restart of init scripts.
    Closes: #569126.
  * Fixed errant DROP INDEX command in sqlite upgrade process.
  * Added --disable-conio to ./configure args to force use of readline.
    --with-readline=yes was already supplied.  This will enable
    new tab completion code.  Closes: #569154, #513393.
  * [lintian] Add ${misc:Depends} to all package Depends lines.
  * [lintian] Bump debhelper compat level to 6.
  * [lintian] Update build-dep on debhelper due to use of dh_lintian.
  * [lintian] No longer create /var/run in .dirs files.  init scripts are
    already making sure it's there.
  * [lintian] Remove now-useless bacula-director-common.preinst

bacula (5.0.0-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Now upload 5.0.x to unstable.
  * Now install mtx-changer.conf in bacula-sd.  Closes: #531471.

bacula (5.0.0-1) experimental; urgency=low

  * New upstream version.
  * Removed build-dep option libreadline5-dev, leaving only libreadline-dev
    option.  Closes: #553735.
  * Update bacula-console-qt section to utils to match override file.
  * Update standards-version to 3.8.3.

bacula (3.0.3-3) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Fixed situation where dbconfig-common bits weren't being called.  This
    prevented proper upgrades from lenny.  Closes: #516900, #542774.
  * Convert Sqlite3 to use dbconfig-common like PostgreSQL and MySQL directors
    have been for some time now.
  * This change means it now correctly upgrades from Sqlite2.
    Closes: #552413.
  * This change means that all Bacula debconf templates are finally removed.
    As a result, no need for translations remains.  Closing open translation
    bugs since there is no longer anything to translate in this package.
    Closes: #568469.
  * Clean up handling of database upgrade scripts in debian/rules to make it
    easier to handle new Bacula versions when they arrive.
  * Make sure to stop the director before upgrading its database.
  * Add lsb init.d status support.  Patch from Peter Eisentraut.
    Closes: #536573.

bacula (3.0.3-2) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Update build-dep from libmysqlclient15-dev to libmysqlclient-dev.
    Rebuild on a newer i386 sid machine; 3.0.3-1 will not migrate to testing
    due to dep on old libmysqlclient15 on i386.
  * Remove bacula-doc ln in debian/rules, correcting dpkg's idea that bacula
    has been completely removed on upgrade.
    Closes: #545473, #554197, #545313.
  * Add bpipe to built package.  Patch from Alex Bramley.  Closes: #549081.
  * Added comments about make_catalog_backup to README.Debian.  Closes: #452687.

bacula (3.0.3-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * New upstream release.  Closes: #566646.
  * Update all PostgreSQL dependencies to 8.4 only.
    Closes: #559581.
  * Ack NMU.  Closes: #549982, #565877, #543179, #544594, #544610.
    Closes: #545729, #555450, #545408, #567660.
  * Improve manpages for: bcopy, bextract, bls, btraceback, bacula-fd,
    bacula-sd, bacula-dir, bconsole, dbcheck, btape, bscan.
    Patches by Lucas B. Cohen
    Closes: #499619.
  * Import upstream patch to add bsmtp manpage and update
    manpages.  Closes: #519573.
  * Add lintian overrides for rpath warning for /usr/lib/bacula.
  * Add explicit dep from bacula to bacula-common.  This dep is enforced
    by other deps already, but was causing a lintian warning.

bacula (3.0.2-3.1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Non-maintainer upload.
  * Fix pending l10n issues. Debconf translations:
  * German (Helge Kreutzmann).  Closes: #549982, #565877
  * Russian (Yuri Kozlov).  Closes: #543179
  * Italian (Luca Monducci).  Closes: #544594
  * French (Christian Perrier).  Closes: #544610
  * Swedish (Martin Bagge).  Closes: #545729
  * Spanish (Francisco Javier Cuadrado).  Closes: #555450
  * Japanese (Hideki Yamane (Debian-JP)).  Closes: #545408
  * Czech (Miroslav Kure).  Closes: #567660

Date: Sun, 14 Mar 2010 02:19:12 +0000
Changed-By: Chuck Short <zulcss at ubuntu.com>
Maintainer: Ubuntu Core Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss at lists.ubuntu.com>
Signed-By: Chuck Short <chuck.short at canonical.com>
-------------- next part --------------
Hash: SHA1

Format: 1.8
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 2010 02:19:12 +0000
Source: bacula
Binary: bacula bacula-common bacula-common-sqlite3 bacula-common-pgsql bacula-common-mysql bacula-director-common bacula-director-sqlite bacula-director-sqlite3 bacula-director-mysql bacula-director-pgsql bacula-client bacula-fd bacula-server bacula-sd bacula-sd-sqlite3 bacula-sd-sqlite bacula-sd-mysql bacula-sd-pgsql bacula-console bacula-console-qt bacula-traymonitor
Architecture: source
Version: 5.0.1-1ubuntu1
Distribution: lucid
Urgency: medium
Maintainer: Ubuntu Core Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss at lists.ubuntu.com>
Changed-By: Chuck Short <zulcss at ubuntu.com>
 bacula     - network backup, recovery and verification - meta-package
 bacula-client - network backup, recovery and verification - client meta-package
 bacula-common - network backup, recovery and verification - common support files
 bacula-common-mysql - network backup, recovery and verification - MySQL common files
 bacula-common-pgsql - network backup, recovery and verification - PostgreSQL common fil
 bacula-common-sqlite3 - network backup, recovery and verification - SQLite v3 common file
 bacula-console - network backup, recovery and verification - text console
 bacula-console-qt - Bacula Administration Tool Console
 bacula-director-common - network backup, recovery and verification - Director common files
 bacula-director-mysql - network backup, recovery and verification - MySQL storage for Dir
 bacula-director-pgsql - network backup, recovery and verification - PostgreSQL storage fo
 bacula-director-sqlite - network backup, recovery and verification - SQLite 2 director tra
 bacula-director-sqlite3 - network backup, recovery and verification - SQLite 3 storage for
 bacula-fd  - network backup, recovery and verification - file daemon
 bacula-sd  - network backup, recovery and verification - storage daemon
 bacula-sd-mysql - network backup, recovery and verification - MySQL SD tools
 bacula-sd-pgsql - network backup, recovery and verification - PostgreSQL SD tools
 bacula-sd-sqlite - network backup, recovery and verification - SQLite SD tools
 bacula-sd-sqlite3 - network backup, recovery and verification - SQLite 3 SD tools
 bacula-server - network backup, recovery and verification - server meta-package
 bacula-traymonitor - network backup, recovery and verification - tray monitor
Closes: 365097 452687 499619 513393 516900 519573 530049 531471 536573 538824 542774 543179 544594 544610 545313 545408 545473 545729 549081 549982 552413 553735 554197 555450 559581 563899 565877 566646 567660 568469 569126 569154 569285 569288 569298 569305 569326 569535 570890 572166
Launchpad-Bugs-Fixed: 286528 286643
 bacula (5.0.1-1ubuntu1) lucid; urgency=low
   * Merge from debian testing.  Remaining changes:
     - Daemons listen on all interfaces. (LP: #286643)
     - Start daemons on installation
     - Drop mt-st to suggests. So that bacula goes back to main. (LP: #286528)
     - debian/rules: Disable fortify source since it was causing bacula-director
       to segfault.
     - debian/control:
       + Cleaned up bacula-director-pgsql dependencies and recommends.
       + Made mysql the default director to install bacula-director-{mysql|pgsql}.
    * Dropped:
      - Generate default passwords at install time, integrated upstream.
      - Added LSB support to init scripts, integrated upstream.
 bacula (5.0.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New upstream release.  Closes: #572166.
   * Revert dbcheck.8 to exact upstream version.
   * Drop Debian patches that add indices to databases.  This is per the
     new upstream statement saying "we strongly recommend to avoid the
     temptation to add new indexes.  In general, these will cause very
     significant performance problems in other areas."
   * Reverted other Debian-specific patches to database update scripts
     that are no longer included in our packages.
   * Fix for MySQL and PostgreSQL postinst to correctly put catalog backup
     name in bacula-dir.conf.
 bacula (5.0.0-6) unstable; urgency=low
   * Generate default passwords at install time instead of at build time.
     Closes: #365097.  Patch originated in Ubuntu; modified for Debian.
     Merged to Debian master at 8381602cfbecaea0ca8559100020f878af81a237.
   * Call rm -rf /var/{log,lib}/bacula on purge.  This patch was part of
     Ubuntu's set merged above.
   * Modified Ubuntu's password patch to use
     /etc/bacula/common_default_passwords instead of debconf per Debian
   * Added full LSB support to init scripts.  Patch originated in Ubuntu,
     and was merged with LSB status support already in Debian.
     Merged to Debian master at b3e2b4bc8dc1ad2a66b1e80c4cfa6176a15a062d.
   * Correct perms on new Sqlite3 database so it's owned by bacula:bacula.
   * Correct Sqlite3 postinst to handle paths of DBNAME correctly.
 bacula (5.0.0-5) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Fix bashism in scripts/disk-changer.in.  Closes: #530049.
   * Correct MySQL index patch to avoid syntax error on install.
     Closes: #569535.
   * Corrected MySQL upgrade issue by adding a shell script to determine
     whether to remove Stripe column from JobMedia table.  This would have
     caused upgrade to crash for people that had upgraded all the way from
     the 1.x days.
     Closes: #569285.
   * Patch from Petr Salinger to disable ACLs on kfreebsd-* archs.
     This corrects a FTBFS and Closes: #570890.
   * Correct saving password to bacula-dir.conf on new install
     with MySQL or PostgreSQL flavor.  Closes: #538824.
   * Added make_catalog_backup.pl script to *-director debs.
 bacula (5.0.0-4) unstable; urgency=low
   * Corrected fail to install bug: after removing /var/run from the package
     in 5.0.0-3, needed to also remove reference to it in
     bacula-common.postinst.  Closes: #569288, #569298, #569305, #569326.
 bacula (5.0.0-3) unstable; urgency=low
   * Added MySQL indices to match PostgreSQL ones.  Closes: #563899.
   * Copy slight spelling tweak to debian/copyright.
   * Remove bad patch that caused double-restart of init scripts.
     Closes: #569126.
   * Fixed errant DROP INDEX command in sqlite upgrade process.
   * Added --disable-conio to ./configure args to force use of readline.
     --with-readline=yes was already supplied.  This will enable
     new tab completion code.  Closes: #569154, #513393.
   * [lintian] Add ${misc:Depends} to all package Depends lines.
   * [lintian] Bump debhelper compat level to 6.
   * [lintian] Update build-dep on debhelper due to use of dh_lintian.
   * [lintian] No longer create /var/run in .dirs files.  init scripts are
     already making sure it's there.
   * [lintian] Remove now-useless bacula-director-common.preinst
 bacula (5.0.0-2) unstable; urgency=low
   * Now upload 5.0.x to unstable.
   * Now install mtx-changer.conf in bacula-sd.  Closes: #531471.
 bacula (5.0.0-1) experimental; urgency=low
   * New upstream version.
   * Removed build-dep option libreadline5-dev, leaving only libreadline-dev
     option.  Closes: #553735.
   * Update bacula-console-qt section to utils to match override file.
   * Update standards-version to 3.8.3.
 bacula (3.0.3-3) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Fixed situation where dbconfig-common bits weren't being called.  This
     prevented proper upgrades from lenny.  Closes: #516900, #542774.
   * Convert Sqlite3 to use dbconfig-common like PostgreSQL and MySQL directors
     have been for some time now.
   * This change means it now correctly upgrades from Sqlite2.
     Closes: #552413.
   * This change means that all Bacula debconf templates are finally removed.
     As a result, no need for translations remains.  Closing open translation
     bugs since there is no longer anything to translate in this package.
     Closes: #568469.
   * Clean up handling of database upgrade scripts in debian/rules to make it
     easier to handle new Bacula versions when they arrive.
   * Make sure to stop the director before upgrading its database.
   * Add lsb init.d status support.  Patch from Peter Eisentraut.
     Closes: #536573.
 bacula (3.0.3-2) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Update build-dep from libmysqlclient15-dev to libmysqlclient-dev.
     Rebuild on a newer i386 sid machine; 3.0.3-1 will not migrate to testing
     due to dep on old libmysqlclient15 on i386.
   * Remove bacula-doc ln in debian/rules, correcting dpkg's idea that bacula
     has been completely removed on upgrade.
     Closes: #545473, #554197, #545313.
   * Add bpipe to built package.  Patch from Alex Bramley.  Closes: #549081.
   * Added comments about make_catalog_backup to README.Debian.  Closes: #452687.
 bacula (3.0.3-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   * New upstream release.  Closes: #566646.
   * Update all PostgreSQL dependencies to 8.4 only.
     Closes: #559581.
   * Ack NMU.  Closes: #549982, #565877, #543179, #544594, #544610.
     Closes: #545729, #555450, #545408, #567660.
   * Improve manpages for: bcopy, bextract, bls, btraceback, bacula-fd,
     bacula-sd, bacula-dir, bconsole, dbcheck, btape, bscan.
     Patches by Lucas B. Cohen
     Closes: #499619.
   * Import upstream patch to add bsmtp manpage and update
     manpages.  Closes: #519573.
   * Add lintian overrides for rpath warning for /usr/lib/bacula.
   * Add explicit dep from bacula to bacula-common.  This dep is enforced
     by other deps already, but was causing a lintian warning.
 bacula (3.0.2-3.1) unstable; urgency=low
   * Non-maintainer upload.
   * Fix pending l10n issues. Debconf translations:
   * German (Helge Kreutzmann).  Closes: #549982, #565877
   * Russian (Yuri Kozlov).  Closes: #543179
   * Italian (Luca Monducci).  Closes: #544594
   * French (Christian Perrier).  Closes: #544610
   * Swedish (Martin Bagge).  Closes: #545729
   * Spanish (Francisco Javier Cuadrado).  Closes: #555450
   * Japanese (Hideki Yamane (Debian-JP)).  Closes: #545408
   * Czech (Miroslav Kure).  Closes: #567660
 5b1e18a433455655bb8f4030882290d04a2f3dd8 2027 bacula_5.0.1-1ubuntu1.dsc
 b6fd0c62d26c113d3bdccf69cd630b16d7261b5b 4057506 bacula_5.0.1.orig.tar.gz
 d8f7d93be8f0483bbbff23600ac359d3d1fcf2d3 518605 bacula_5.0.1-1ubuntu1.diff.gz
 2926f5543b58b9844db8cbb8d37b67448907bb48d0396a38e7d35d00e6fc6283 2027 bacula_5.0.1-1ubuntu1.dsc
 760e8300d88dd8da8ab324cff4adee3e9c73132b9caf74222c75641c93eea5db 4057506 bacula_5.0.1.orig.tar.gz
 2451419f23a0e62f1630b7bc8260b500ebaca4aec5eb9ec9dd26332e16a0518a 518605 bacula_5.0.1-1ubuntu1.diff.gz
 03a4caea6fe248fee871700e6f7f4122 2027 admin optional bacula_5.0.1-1ubuntu1.dsc
 beb9f8da196b3c9ffb0356f087dbdb99 4057506 admin optional bacula_5.0.1.orig.tar.gz
 3e6c5e1ea04ea896952138e41d042465 518605 admin optional bacula_5.0.1-1ubuntu1.diff.gz
Original-Maintainer: John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org>

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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