[ubuntu/lucid] poker-network 1.7.7-1 (Accepted)
Ubuntu Installer
archive at ubuntu.com
Mon Feb 15 17:08:13 GMT 2010
poker-network (1.7.7-1) unstable; urgency=low
* new upstream version
* use dh_python when possible (Closes: #566051)
poker-network (1.7.6-2) unstable; urgency=low
* patches/01-pokersite-checkexpired-ignore-already-expired-session.patch:
Backport patch for bug#13717
* patches/02-pokerexplain-arrive-no-seat-left.patch:
Backport patch for bug#15044
* patches/03-testpokerdatabase-reconnect.patch:
Fix test suite
* debian/rules, debian/python-poker-network.init:
Apply ubuntu fixes:
python-poker-prizes, call dh_pycentral, fix FTBFS on i386.
Use /usr/share/pyshared/pokernetwork/pokerbot.py as botscript.
poker-network (1.7.6-1) unstable; urgency=low
* new upstream version
* remove prototype.js (Closes: #555237) (Closes: #555238) (Closes: #475290)
* use *-packages instead of site-package (Closes: #557916)
* acknowledge NMU (Closes: #550285)
poker-network (1.7.5-4) unstable; urgency=low
* debian/patches/03-pokertable-destroyplayer-add-assert-bug-15016.patch:
Add assert for bug#15016 in pokertable.destroyPlayer.
poker-network (1.7.5-3) unstable; urgency=low
* debian/patches/02-pokertable-muckable-serials-copy.patch:
Fix tables hanging in MUCK state and tourneys hanging in
poker-network (1.7.5-2) unstable; urgency=low
* Apply Ubuntu changes:
debian/python-poker{-network, 2d, -prizes,-stats}.install: use wildcards
* debian/rules: Include cdbs simple patch system
* debian/patches/01-pokerdatabase-reconnect.patch: Fix mysql
connection timeout with python-mysqldb >= 1.2.2
Date: Mon, 15 Feb 2010 15:45:17 +0000
Changed-By: Johan Euphrosine <proppy at aminche.com>
Maintainer: Loic Dachary (OuoU) <loic at debian.org>
Origin: Debian/unstable
-------------- next part --------------
Origin: Debian/unstable
Format: 1.7
Date: Mon, 15 Feb 2010 15:45:17 +0000
Source: poker-network
Binary: python-poker-network, python-poker2d, poker-web, python-poker-stats, python-poker-prizes
Architecture: source
Version: 1.7.7-1
Distribution: lucid
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Loic Dachary (OuoU) <loic at debian.org>
Changed-By: Johan Euphrosine <proppy at aminche.com>
Closes: 475290 550285 555237 555238 557916 566051
poker-network (1.7.7-1) unstable; urgency=low
* new upstream version
* use dh_python when possible (Closes: #566051)
poker-network (1.7.6-2) unstable; urgency=low
* patches/01-pokersite-checkexpired-ignore-already-expired-session.patch:
Backport patch for bug#13717
* patches/02-pokerexplain-arrive-no-seat-left.patch:
Backport patch for bug#15044
* patches/03-testpokerdatabase-reconnect.patch:
Fix test suite
* debian/rules, debian/python-poker-network.init:
Apply ubuntu fixes:
python-poker-prizes, call dh_pycentral, fix FTBFS on i386.
Use /usr/share/pyshared/pokernetwork/pokerbot.py as botscript.
poker-network (1.7.6-1) unstable; urgency=low
* new upstream version
* remove prototype.js (Closes: #555237) (Closes: #555238) (Closes: #475290)
* use *-packages instead of site-package (Closes: #557916)
* acknowledge NMU (Closes: #550285)
poker-network (1.7.5-4) unstable; urgency=low
* debian/patches/03-pokertable-destroyplayer-add-assert-bug-15016.patch:
Add assert for bug#15016 in pokertable.destroyPlayer.
poker-network (1.7.5-3) unstable; urgency=low
* debian/patches/02-pokertable-muckable-serials-copy.patch:
Fix tables hanging in MUCK state and tourneys hanging in
poker-network (1.7.5-2) unstable; urgency=low
* Apply Ubuntu changes:
debian/python-poker{-network, 2d, -prizes,-stats}.install: use wildcards
* debian/rules: Include cdbs simple patch system
* debian/patches/01-pokerdatabase-reconnect.patch: Fix mysql
connection timeout with python-mysqldb >= 1.2.2
654b3ade37682f98e015d1e325557b92 2736468 python extra poker-network_1.7.7.orig.tar.gz
c59f07da08b035d9fe376110d53d1e28 40960 python extra poker-network_1.7.7-1.diff.gz
c15345018735f64060a9730a24b41595 1526 python extra poker-network_1.7.7-1.dsc
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