[ubuntu/lucid] clamav 0.96+dfsg-1ubuntu1 (Accepted)

Scott Kitterman scott at kitterman.com
Mon Apr 12 11:40:18 BST 2010

clamav (0.96+dfsg-1ubuntu1) lucid; urgency=low

  * Merge from Debian Unstable.  Remaining Ubuntu changes:
    - Drop initial signature definitions from clamav-base
    - Drop build-dep on electric-fence (in Universe)
    - Add apparmor profiles for clamd and freshclam along with maintainer
      script changes
  * Adjust debconf processing for new option to the default priority procuces
    valid configuration files

clamav (0.96+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Scott Kitterman ]
  * Bump libclamav SO version to 6.1.0 in libclamav6.install and Update SO
    version for lintian override for libclamav6
  * Add a check in debian/clamav-daemon.init.in to see if signatures are
    present before starting and exit with a useful log message if not
  * Remove deprecated MailFollowURLs option from default clamd.conf in
  * Additional debian/copyright updates for OpenBSD regex in llvm
  * Update clamav-milter.logcheck.ignore.server (closes: #541008)
    - Thanks to Martin Krafft for the patch
  * Correct options in clamav-milter.init.in (closes: #576955)
    - Thanks to Marco d'Itri for the patch

  [ Alberto WU ]
  * New upstream release (closes: #576908)
  * Update debian/clamav-base.templates and clamav-base.postinst.in for new
    - OfficialDatabaseOnly, LocalSocketGroup, LocalSocketMode, CrossFilesystems,
      ClamukoScannerCount, and BytecodeSecurity
  * Update debian/clamav-freshclam.postinst.in for new options:
    - DetectionStatsHostID and Bytecode
  * Update debian/clamav-milter.templates and clamav-milter.postinst.in for new
    - MilterSocketGroup, MilterSocketMode, and ReportHostname
  * Update debian/rules to provide appropriate CXXFLAGS because clamav now
    includes C++ code
  * Update debian/clamav-testfiles.install to provide all test files
  * Remove the new bytcode.cvd file along with the other signature files when
    clamav-base or clamav-freshclam are purged
  * Drop libclamav.a from libclamav-dev.install (not built by upstream)
  * Add new Bytecode Testing Tool, usr/bin/clambc, to clamav.install
  * Add build-depends on python for llvm
  * Drop build-depends on libwrap0-dev (no longer needed)
  * Update debian/copyright for the embedded copy of llvm (using the system
    llvm is not currently feasible)

  [ Stephen Gran ]
  * Prep for release

Date: Sun, 11 Apr 2010 19:58:58 -0400
Changed-By: Scott Kitterman <scott at kitterman.com>
Maintainer: Ubuntu Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss at lists.ubuntu.com>
Signed-By: Scott Kitterman <ubuntu at kitterman.com>
-------------- next part --------------
Hash: SHA1

Format: 1.8
Date: Sun, 11 Apr 2010 19:58:58 -0400
Source: clamav
Binary: clamav-base clamav-docs clamav-dbg clamav libclamav-dev libclamav6 clamav-daemon clamav-testfiles clamav-freshclam clamav-milter
Architecture: source
Version: 0.96+dfsg-1ubuntu1
Distribution: lucid
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Ubuntu Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss at lists.ubuntu.com>
Changed-By: Scott Kitterman <scott at kitterman.com>
 clamav     - anti-virus utility for Unix - command-line interface
 clamav-base - anti-virus utility for Unix - base package
 clamav-daemon - anti-virus utility for Unix - scanner daemon
 clamav-dbg - debug symbols for ClamAV
 clamav-docs - anti-virus utility for Unix - documentation
 clamav-freshclam - anti-virus utility for Unix - virus database update utility
 clamav-milter - anti-virus utility for Unix - sendmail integration
 clamav-testfiles - anti-virus utility for Unix - test files
 libclamav-dev - anti-virus utility for Unix - development files
 libclamav6 - anti-virus utility for Unix - library
Closes: 541008 576908 576955
 clamav (0.96+dfsg-1ubuntu1) lucid; urgency=low
   * Merge from Debian Unstable.  Remaining Ubuntu changes:
     - Drop initial signature definitions from clamav-base
     - Drop build-dep on electric-fence (in Universe)
     - Add apparmor profiles for clamd and freshclam along with maintainer
       script changes
   * Adjust debconf processing for new option to the default priority procuces
     valid configuration files
 clamav (0.96+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=low
   [ Scott Kitterman ]
   * Bump libclamav SO version to 6.1.0 in libclamav6.install and Update SO
     version for lintian override for libclamav6
   * Add a check in debian/clamav-daemon.init.in to see if signatures are
     present before starting and exit with a useful log message if not
   * Remove deprecated MailFollowURLs option from default clamd.conf in
   * Additional debian/copyright updates for OpenBSD regex in llvm
   * Update clamav-milter.logcheck.ignore.server (closes: #541008)
     - Thanks to Martin Krafft for the patch
   * Correct options in clamav-milter.init.in (closes: #576955)
     - Thanks to Marco d'Itri for the patch
   [ Alberto WU ]
   * New upstream release (closes: #576908)
   * Update debian/clamav-base.templates and clamav-base.postinst.in for new
     - OfficialDatabaseOnly, LocalSocketGroup, LocalSocketMode, CrossFilesystems,
       ClamukoScannerCount, and BytecodeSecurity
   * Update debian/clamav-freshclam.postinst.in for new options:
     - DetectionStatsHostID and Bytecode
   * Update debian/clamav-milter.templates and clamav-milter.postinst.in for new
     - MilterSocketGroup, MilterSocketMode, and ReportHostname
   * Update debian/rules to provide appropriate CXXFLAGS because clamav now
     includes C++ code
   * Update debian/clamav-testfiles.install to provide all test files
   * Remove the new bytcode.cvd file along with the other signature files when
     clamav-base or clamav-freshclam are purged
   * Drop libclamav.a from libclamav-dev.install (not built by upstream)
   * Add new Bytecode Testing Tool, usr/bin/clambc, to clamav.install
   * Add build-depends on python for llvm
   * Drop build-depends on libwrap0-dev (no longer needed)
   * Update debian/copyright for the embedded copy of llvm (using the system
     llvm is not currently feasible)
   [ Stephen Gran ]
   * Prep for release
 6e133e5817565d01d13c37a649fbc3b82b55d361 1506 clamav_0.96+dfsg-1ubuntu1.dsc
 cdacce1d64ad70a0aaef543e19b6987ef0aaf136 38627200 clamav_0.96+dfsg.orig.tar.gz
 818a8b210c9c62a39f358d23ae4061f7edc3dbaa 280016 clamav_0.96+dfsg-1ubuntu1.diff.gz
 ee52e22baaf7700d4fbce6f56a5c948f89f3a96ac57d5af617457bfbe6ce7e92 1506 clamav_0.96+dfsg-1ubuntu1.dsc
 12539b023bbe59f03191486dc1e82dd7e6359b64aba1a963478b264e0b53c6e0 38627200 clamav_0.96+dfsg.orig.tar.gz
 787dd14f4ff8fc0ad8507d3fc743bb4df16c0e712e2504e4b2e3cd1b298327e3 280016 clamav_0.96+dfsg-1ubuntu1.diff.gz
 cf5aecfe09318c86b265d26bd515c506 1506 utils optional clamav_0.96+dfsg-1ubuntu1.dsc
 22a1b40a2911e7255d5a5c97b5c28bd8 38627200 utils optional clamav_0.96+dfsg.orig.tar.gz
 060f62a380920a7c35093414e02b6459 280016 utils optional clamav_0.96+dfsg-1ubuntu1.diff.gz
Original-Maintainer: ClamAV Team <pkg-clamav-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org>

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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