[ubuntu/lucid] rhythmbox 0.12.6-1ubuntu1 (Accepted)

Robert Ancell robert.ancell at canonical.com
Mon Nov 30 04:30:18 GMT 2009

rhythmbox (0.12.6-1ubuntu1) lucid; urgency=low

  * Merge with Debian unstable, reamainging changes:
    * debian/control.in:
      - Build-Depends on liblaunchpad-integration-dev
      - Suggests rather than Recommends gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly since
        it's in universe
      - Drop hal build/binary dependencies, add gudev build dependency
      - Add media-player-info dependency, where the music player
        information is kept now.
      - Suggest brasero
      - Change gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly from recommends to suggests
    * debian/rules:
      - Disable hal
    * debian/rhythmbox.gconf-defaults:
      - Don't activate the power manager option it breaks suspend for example
    * debian/patches/01_lpi.patch:
      - Launchpad integration change
    * debian/patches/03_magnatune_partner.patch:
      - Set Magnatune plugin partner ID to "ubuntu", as per discussion with Magnatune.
    * debian/patches/04_podcast_query_info.patch:
      - Fix downloading podcasts through buggy servers (LP: #437454)
    * debian/patches/80_update_louie_imports.patch:
      - Update louie import
    * debian/patches/81_not_using_localmodlibs.patch:
      - don't use localmodlibs to fix build issue
    * debian/patches/90_autoconf.patch:
      - Configure update

Date: Mon, 30 Nov 2009 15:00:38 +1100
Changed-By: Robert Ancell <robert.ancell at canonical.com>
Maintainer: Ubuntu Desktop Team <ubuntu-desktop at lists.ubuntu.com>
-------------- next part --------------
Hash: SHA1

Format: 1.8
Date: Mon, 30 Nov 2009 15:00:38 +1100
Source: rhythmbox
Binary: rhythmbox rhythmbox-dbg
Architecture: source
Version: 0.12.6-1ubuntu1
Distribution: lucid
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Ubuntu Desktop Team <ubuntu-desktop at lists.ubuntu.com>
Changed-By: Robert Ancell <robert.ancell at canonical.com>
 rhythmbox  - music player and organizer for GNOME
 rhythmbox-dbg - debugging symbols for rhythmbox
 rhythmbox (0.12.6-1ubuntu1) lucid; urgency=low
   * Merge with Debian unstable, reamainging changes:
     * debian/control.in:
       - Build-Depends on liblaunchpad-integration-dev
       - Suggests rather than Recommends gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly since
         it's in universe
       - Drop hal build/binary dependencies, add gudev build dependency
       - Add media-player-info dependency, where the music player
         information is kept now.
       - Suggest brasero
       - Change gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly from recommends to suggests
     * debian/rules:
       - Disable hal
     * debian/rhythmbox.gconf-defaults:
       - Don't activate the power manager option it breaks suspend for example
     * debian/patches/01_lpi.patch:
       - Launchpad integration change
     * debian/patches/03_magnatune_partner.patch:
       - Set Magnatune plugin partner ID to "ubuntu", as per discussion with Magnatune.
     * debian/patches/04_podcast_query_info.patch:
       - Fix downloading podcasts through buggy servers (LP: #437454)
     * debian/patches/80_update_louie_imports.patch:
       - Update louie import
     * debian/patches/81_not_using_localmodlibs.patch:
       - don't use localmodlibs to fix build issue
     * debian/patches/90_autoconf.patch:
       - Configure update
 394b59bf383a5ef4aad271d17c1293e632679748 2352 rhythmbox_0.12.6-1ubuntu1.dsc
 59279f311c5a210ec90cafd33528d5a40194de15 31577 rhythmbox_0.12.6-1ubuntu1.diff.gz
 4fbd3dc8d645d3efcb0b4bee1201fd75928d25953a9a3c8b7f7659498e6136a3 2352 rhythmbox_0.12.6-1ubuntu1.dsc
 21cf49377d5693487a072bd52fde86ac6f14ece53435f2b99d9fd9660e0b194f 31577 rhythmbox_0.12.6-1ubuntu1.diff.gz
 f6c731b042840c2fad9109fcafd05044 2352 gnome optional rhythmbox_0.12.6-1ubuntu1.dsc
 dd640016d01f1d15eded58118ac59bfc 31577 gnome optional rhythmbox_0.12.6-1ubuntu1.diff.gz
Launchpad-Bugs-Fixed: 437454
Original-Maintainer: Loic Minier <lool at dooz.org>

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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