[ubuntu/lucid] backuppc 3.1.0-8ubuntu1 (Accepted)

Chuck Short zulcss at ubuntu.com
Mon Nov 9 16:15:13 GMT 2009

backuppc (3.1.0-8ubuntu1) lucid; urgency=low

  * Merge from debian testing, remaining changes:
    - debian/backup.init, debian/rules, debian/postinst: Do not call init
      script on shutdown and reboot (TearDown) (Debian #488660)
    - debian/control: Drop build dependency to 'par2', it's in universe.
    - configure.pl: Do not test for par2 being available at build time
    - debian/control: depend on default-mta | mail-transport-agent, instead of
      enumerating a long list of alternative MTAs.
    - Suggest libio-dirent-perl, its in universe.

backuppc (3.1.0-8) unstable; urgency=high

  * Really fix the alias bug. Closes: #542218
  * Small init.d file fix

backuppc (3.1.0-7) unstable; urgency=high

  * Disable the modification of the alias for normal users. Closes: #542218
  * Recommends: libio-dirent-perl. Closes: #518554
  * manage config.pl with ucf. Closes: #483573

Date: Fri, 06 Nov 2009 00:30:12 +0000
Changed-By: Chuck Short <zulcss at ubuntu.com>
Maintainer: Ubuntu Core Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss at lists.ubuntu.com>
Signed-By: Chuck Short <chuck.short at canonical.com>
-------------- next part --------------
Hash: SHA1

Format: 1.8
Date: Fri, 06 Nov 2009 00:30:12 +0000
Source: backuppc
Binary: backuppc
Architecture: source
Version: 3.1.0-8ubuntu1
Distribution: lucid
Urgency: high
Maintainer: Ubuntu Core Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss at lists.ubuntu.com>
Changed-By: Chuck Short <zulcss at ubuntu.com>
 backuppc   - high-performance, enterprise-grade system for backing up PCs
Closes: 483573 518554 542218 542218
 backuppc (3.1.0-8ubuntu1) lucid; urgency=low
   * Merge from debian testing, remaining changes:
     - debian/backup.init, debian/rules, debian/postinst: Do not call init
       script on shutdown and reboot (TearDown) (Debian #488660)
     - debian/control: Drop build dependency to 'par2', it's in universe.
     - configure.pl: Do not test for par2 being available at build time
     - debian/control: depend on default-mta | mail-transport-agent, instead of
       enumerating a long list of alternative MTAs.
     - Suggest libio-dirent-perl, its in universe.
 backuppc (3.1.0-8) unstable; urgency=high
   * Really fix the alias bug. Closes: #542218
   * Small init.d file fix
 backuppc (3.1.0-7) unstable; urgency=high
   * Disable the modification of the alias for normal users. Closes: #542218
   * Recommends: libio-dirent-perl. Closes: #518554
   * manage config.pl with ucf. Closes: #483573
 bd225838c204e1f07fdb54db72c212295ff14bff 1123 backuppc_3.1.0-8ubuntu1.dsc
 d5d8ddc5ed6cba4914191d02bb9111d09748d4bd 28246 backuppc_3.1.0-8ubuntu1.diff.gz
 555e38807a774fe7385f8478bf2015b4832ef769688eeda3d2cf400fbd7187e5 1123 backuppc_3.1.0-8ubuntu1.dsc
 17fd2ef5a5bc8a6b393de9d014859ce0074ae1ae7087095842030504955bb37c 28246 backuppc_3.1.0-8ubuntu1.diff.gz
 670fe57f1a6e759a5ff813b40bccca38 1123 utils optional backuppc_3.1.0-8ubuntu1.dsc
 093ba34b1eb22cbf9e2d292e491b1a41 28246 utils optional backuppc_3.1.0-8ubuntu1.diff.gz
Original-Maintainer: Ludovic Drolez <ldrolez at debian.org>

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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